I Did Not Know…. Poem by Therem Estraven

I Did Not Know….

Rating: 5.0

I did not know
the colours of the sunset
until I stood transfixed
by the art of heaven

I did not know
the pattern of the ripples
until I watched them spread
with sparkling reflected light

I did not know
the magic of the rainbow
until it was revealed
through the sun's grace

I did not know
the wonder of the dawn
until I listened in silence
to the music of the birds

I did not know
the power of the ocean
until it swept me
from my rock

I did not know
the warmth and depth of the spring
until I sought
to reach for the bottom

I did not know
the heat of the fire
until it consumed
my heart

I did not know
the sadness
until your shadow
in the mist

I did not expect
the emptiness

But nor did I expect
the pure and overwhelming beauty
of the feelings

Now that I know
I would choose
the same path with you
and again
and again


I Did Not Know….
Saturday, January 21, 2023
Topic(s) of this poem: feelings,heart,affinity and love,sunset,sea,loss,misty,path,ocean,spring,dawn,rainbow,fire,nature,birds,heaven,sunrise,sun,shadow,forever
This is a poem describing and reflecting upon an impossible love. It is about two people who accidentally and unexpectedly fell in love in circumstances where a romantic relationship is seemingly impossible. The eventual coming to terms with reality was hard, as the prospect of a conventional romance disappeared like a shadow or a dream in the mist, that simply could not be grasped or held. Although there was deep sadness, and a feeling of loss and emptiness, this was replaced by recognition of the pure, overwhelming, transcendent beauty of what had happened. That recognition, that love, can be carried forward forever, no matter what. The poem has perhaps has meaning also to someone who experiences an unrequited love or a broken love, as even after the grief and sadness that one feels when something cannot be, there is still incredible beauty in the heightened senses one experiences, the extraordinary power of the feelings and the precious memories that one holds forever. That is what we should all remember and carry forward with us in our hearts. Estraven.20.02.2020 Estraven is an ambisexual/androgynous character from a book called the Left Hand of Darkness. He/She is both genders or, perhaps, neither. I hope this poem speaks to you whomever you are, however you see yourself and whomever you love or have loved.
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