I Do Not Care Your Errors In Orthography. Poem by Liza Sud

I Do Not Care Your Errors In Orthography.


I do not care your errors in orthography.
although all words are heaven's golden codes.
if poems come from angels or from mafia -
I'll not be dying from an overdose.

Inerrant books stand near paradise gates.
and codes of forces hide behind the numbers.
Although we believe in something counter -
our letters will be the high magistrates.

Love is herself a wonderful obsession.
That's her resemblance to eternal life.
only in God there is lack of causation
and in my verse to you I can't stop write.

Neither I was a rule, nor you - the reason.
we are as the whole unit that was smitten.
And because all will always be like this
if we are rising up above two limits.


Мне не важны ошибки в орфографии.
Ведь все слова - небес златые кодировки.
От ангелов стихи или от мафии -
Я не умру от передозировки.

Слова безгрешных книг у райских врат стоят.
И коды сил в них спрятались за цифрами.
И как бы нам ни верилось в обратное -
Нам буквы станут высшими арбитрами.

Любовь и есть прекрасная зацикленнось.
И в этом ее сходство с жизнью в вечности.
Лишь в Боге есть отсутствие причинности,
В стихах моих к тебе до бесконечности.

Не ты была причиной, не я правилом.
Мы как одно разбившееся целое.
А потому что всё всегда и будет так,
Если подняться над двумя пределами.

Sunday, April 24, 2016
Topic(s) of this poem: love
Daniel Brick 26 April 2016

I had to look up ORTHOGRAPHY in a dict'y: you must be referring to some recent mis-spellings I was too lazy to correct! But then the poem switches tone and relates words to HEAVEN'S GOLDEN CODES which certainly enhances the essential component of poems. By saying poems come from ANGELS or MAFIA you are identifying poems as either blessed or cursed, either expressions of light or of darkness. I assume the INERRANT BOOKS are from the Bible which is why they and not us are near Paradise. We are still ascending (or descending, if we're in the devil's camp) . The word LOVE makes a sudden appearance and is clearly involved with the angelic-inspired poems and is related to eternal life. And then you are present in the poem writing your poems which seem to flow forth. And you clearly say IN MY VERSE TO YOU: that is a line that would also fit in my poems dedicated to you. Both of us are ascending in the last line!

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