I Got So Much Poem by Abubakar Mohammed Musa

I Got So Much

I got some much happiness,
See her with her greatness,
Don't expect her of sadness,
Dupery possessed her not,
Her heart is great not occupiedless,
Her eyes blink because of her coyness,
Her lips dried owing to coldness,

Her cheeks ruptured in owing to coyness,
Dimples I mean she has,
Her face always cracks with smiles,
Anytime she smiles her cheeks bounce,
Whenever she winks her eyelashes rustle,
I can see the time her eyelenses sparkle.

My heart gets ease as she looks at me,
Quizzically I don't know her real voice,
I would say her tone is insipid,
The nature of her name is her prospectus,
Love her or hate her she is a queen,
A queen in Bauchi and all around,
When she applied make-ups she doesn't preen,
When she stepped into an occasion her perfume becomes a klaxon,
Know it that she doesn't used to be forlorn,
Because she isn't an idle,
Her tongue isn't loquacious like parrot's,
But her tone is sweety like parrot's.

She is Fatimah Zarah,
Today is her birthday,
So her a-la-mode of dressing must be unique,
Her parents and others love this day,
Because she got more beautifies,
I myself fell in because her looks wipe sorrows,
In Bauchi people celebrate this day
Because she looks like a model,
28th of this month is the coldest
Because her breaths cool ice-cream,
Roses became odourless because her hairs' sweet smells made their smells soothed,
Her looks inject confidence that goes down to spines,
Know it that her steps duple,
It's not because she got much hours,
And also it's not that just because she got much days, weeks, months, and years,
She is just because she is Zarah,
The name which possessed countless blessings,
The name in which when every household has it would be more blissful and blessed,
Now she got much bless,
So I got so much bless,
If she is much blessed,
I know I'll be most blessed.

Monday, December 30, 2019
Topic(s) of this poem: birthday
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