I Hate You Poem by Kelly Gale

I Hate You

You told me a thousands lies and you wanted me to love you.
I hate you.
You said things about me and you want me to be nice.
I hate you.
When i came home i pretty much cried my self to sleep because of you.
I hate you.
We were friends then we were together then we were a part then we were friends then we were a part.
I hate you.
You pulled me you hurt me and you want me to laugh it off.
I hate you.
You hit and hurt me and i was the one that did not get to get mad but when i hit you twice you got to get so anger.
I hate you.
You choked me in front of everyone at school during lunch and no body did anything and the reason you choked me is just because i pushed you and you want me to still just be happy and laugh it off.
I hate you.
You didn't care what you did to me.
I hate you.
I get scared when i heard your name and when i saw you.
I hate you.
I hope you are happy that you made me this way which is a cold stone heartless person.
I hate you.
Hope you are glad that you did this because you are going to be paying for it for awhile.
I hate you but then again i am glad i meet you because you made me stronger.

To Ryan Perry. Every time i passed your 4th per. class i could not help but cry a bit and every time i got around you i got so scared so i am going to ask you RYAN PERRY are you happy about what you did to me.
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