I Just Can'T Wait To Leave Poem by Daniele Cerasoli

I Just Can'T Wait To Leave

Everything used to be so perfect
I never wanted it to end
We used to be so close, so trusting
I couldn't have asked for a better friend.

But now you seem to have lost your way
Changing for the worst
Becoming the person I never thought you were
Leaving me underwater, submersed.

We had some great times, I must admit
Things that only we could appreciate
Like our late night conversations
We really could relate.

And now I just can't wait to leave
To get away from you
Because of the things that you have done
That we simply cannot undo.

It's not because I dislike you
Or because your personality froze
It's because it's just too painful
To see you on the path that you chose.

So now I just can't wait to leave
And get away from this big mess
It's become way too much for me to handle
And it's caused me endless distress.

I really came to like you
We shared so many views on life
But now I feel you're different
Striking my back with a knife.

You said that I'm important
That I mean so much to you
But it seems you don't need me
So it may be time to bid adieu.
We used to talk so often
It was you I would await
Now I just can't talk to you
Because the pain is just too great.

I don't know much about people
In fact, I can't stand them
But you were one of very few I liked
Really, you were a gem.

But now I just can't wait to leave
So I'm still able to cherish the day we met
You've changed too much from that day
So now all I need to do is forget.

So I hope you know you hurt me
All the negative emotions you've made
Having you in my life has been amazing
But now I wish you'd start to fade.

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