I Love You Poem by Dr. Erfan K

I Love You

Oh my God
I have fallen in love with you.
Only recently I could realize it.
I had forgotten you.

Once I realize
I am in love with nature
Not the real but your art.
Accidently, this night
I remember you.
I cherish for your presence
I sit alone waiting for you

In this night
I wait you in my solitude
Each moment my love gets heightened.

In this moment of ecstasy,
My heart pines for your touch
I am the most trivial of the trivial
And you are the greatest of the great.

Don't look at my past or future
Soon look at my heart now
Brimming with honey dew of your love
You can't deny me now

My God, I can't wait more
Touch me soon
The universe recedes into a big void
Two Beings in eternal talk
I forget everything
You are the only presence
The moment in tune with the ultimate
Touch me God
No other choice
Touch me soon, I can't suffer more

I close my eyes
I take off my shirt
I forget myself
As I am in space
As I become a void, completely lost

Soon there a breeze gets in
Embraces all my body
I fall into the ground
As I realize, you have also fallen in love with me.

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