I Loved So Deep Poem by tepo rasseno

I Loved So Deep

I loved so deep
... My roots split the rock
Underneath the earth's
Usually unyielding crust

I loved so deep
I could hardly breathe
Elixirs ever dissolving
Forming mists
that tugged at love's best

Returns and crossing rivers
Effortlessly pushed aside
Love has a way of soothing
Unraveled imperfections
Of the human condition

I loved so deep
Took hold strongly
Against the roaring winds
Of circumstance, unbelievers
and unbelief

My hold
My heart
Constantly firm
constantly beating
yet gently
as a mother would
a babe in her hands

Once love is found
Letting go unmakes it
As illusion steals life
Smothers truth
Splintering as glass would
to a cup filled with joy

You found your home
Even as you gathered
distinction in academe
More so the hearts of your students
You made your home grow
in body and spirit
The aroma in the kitchen
With verses and songs
on the piano

Your friends on telephone
pouring their hearts out
sharing their pain
you consoling them
brushing aside
your own

Ever thankful
With your love
for all

Your children as cherubims plucked
from the sky
huddled at your feet
embracing you as I would
as the air would
the earth and sky

Love transfixes
Yet it moves in a dance
colors in symphony
Only a family can see
can hear
With you around
always most blessed

I have made a decision
I have loved
loved to the core
Taking nothing
giving everything
My all

I loved so deep
I grew wings so I could fly
And kiss the sky
In celebration!
A freedom flight from earth's pains
Even its revealed
yet now ephemeral delights

My love will travel
thousand miles over
The dark and the chill
may creep into my flight's path
My wings may tire
as I wait for second wind

But always
But always
But always
I will find
my way home.

(a combined attempt at poetry and tribute [poetri] to my wife that I composed on December 1-2,2011, She passed away in 2008. Note that I chose to retain describing her as my wife in the introduction of this poetri, as I think my raw emotions then be left undisturbed. She was not mine, never was; she was was God's) .

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