I'm Pending Doom Poem by Robert Burgan

I'm Pending Doom

The corner I was backed into became my home
The house of worship turned to cards
I stacked the towers around my defects and tried to sew myself to open arms
Ended up with incisions large enough to let me spill my guts
At an empty table set with full plates and half empty cups
I sit there all alone with nothing but my entire life to ponder
I was hopeless from the beginning
In the mirror I see my father
Aching for his validation thirsty for a sip of love
My mouth is dry and the cloudy sky has a moment of blue
I want to burn up in the shadowed sun

If I could hit a switch to make the entire world burn
Leaving you and I right here, in this moment
I wouldn't hesitate to do it
I'm sleeping in your urn
My cries for help are open wide, wild fires spreading
Nobody responds to the tree falling in the forest
I'm silence trudging down the road I'm heading
Steady hand begins to shake, am I afraid? ?
Is today the day I actually give in to the dying phase? ?
I've watched everybody leave
It's time for me to follow
Gaping hole, hollow, I could care less about tomorrow

I am a hopeless mime pantomiming through invisible glass
The only thing I'm trapped in is my head trip
Trying to isolate from my past
The last day of my life
It feels like impending doom
I don't believe in these kinds of things
But if there is an afterlife
I love you and I'll see you soon.

Tuesday, June 27, 2017
Topic(s) of this poem: tragedy
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