I’m Roman Catholic Poem by Michael P. Johnson

I’m Roman Catholic

Rating: 3.3

“We’ve called to have a chat with you
God’s word we’d love to bring
Perhaps you’ll share your point of view
Of Christ The Lord and King”

“I’m Roman Catholic! I’m all right
My family’s Catholic too
But those next door, I think they; might
Be pleased to hear from you”

“No please my friend, don’t close your door
We have so much to say
Please give us but a moment more
A time with you to pray”

“I have no time for prayer today
As you must surely see
But go next door to them and pray
They need you more than me”

“But neighbour, it’s we; who live next door
We’re here because we care
Please give us but a moment more
Our faith with you to share

Man must be born again my friend
In every church we go!
For then we’ll live, we’ll see no end
For Christ has told us so

Alone in Christ we place our hope
For man can lead us wrong
We all must die, as must the Pope
Before we sing life’s song

Unless we heed the true report
In all our shame we’ll die
For all have sinned and fallen short
All Catholics friend and I.

Ernestine Northover 11 May 2008

Very well written piece Michael, I enjoyed reading this one very much. Great sentiments. Love and hugs Ernestine XXX

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Michael P. Johnson

Michael P. Johnson

New Silksworth / Sunderland Co/Durham England
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