I Plead Poem by Jawon Whetstone

I Plead

Lord follow me, and lend me a helping hand
Send down an angel to protect the wretched man
It seems,
My dreams guide me like the visions that are seen drive me
I'm lonely- only at mind tho, because my heart is occupied
Now I realize it's my thoughts that sing out loud
'I DON'T GIVE A F***', time after time
But what if my heart n thoughts for any reason coincide
Does that mean that something in my life has to be a lie
It's the internal wars I fight, that bind all my battle scars
And cause my embellishment in sacroreligious arms
'Stick to the facts', they tell me
Well the fact is I have a distorted perception of reality
Where the clear is unclear and the truth is fallacy
I've been given the gift of premonition, in which I interpret as my curse
I've been bestowed the power of words that often go unheard
I say nothing and think lots
Envisioning plot after plot, wishing my soul would just listen
I hear voices and they talk to me
In pursuit, they try to take control of me
But I know, if I give in.... I gave up
And the only way to win, is to accept that I lost
So with tears cried, I plead....
'Lord follow me, and lend me a helping hand..
Send me an angel to protect this wretched man'

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