I Stand Here Poem by Micah Krahn

I Stand Here

I stand here gracefully, birds on my branches.

I stand here for a purpose; my branches sway softly in the wind.

I stand here and look below watching a young boy play.

I stand here listening to His mother read Him a story.

I stand here, the young boy now a teenager with His father.

I stand here watching him speak to the elders in the temple.

I stand here, watching Him grow as I have.

I stand here, He is now a young carpenter building a table with His tools.

I stand here watching Him performing miracles; He heals the blind, the crippled and the weak.

I stand here watching Him eat with His friends; he takes a piece of bread and a cup of wine in His hands.

I stand here one of His friends betrays Him with a kiss on the cheek.

I stand here watching… His blood runs down His pierced flesh as He is forced to walk under the torment of His pain.

I stand here watching Him being sentenced to death by crucifixion.

I lay here naked stripped of my beautiful branches, broken, twisted and carved.

I lay here broken like Him; He holds my carved twisted broken body on His shoulders as He stumbles up the path.

I lay here as the soldiers nail His hands and feet to my hard carved structure of wood.

I was once beautiful and free like Him, now he is broken and twisted like me.

They raise us up on ropes and chains, now I stand here holding Him.

I see two others like me carved and scraped holding convicted men like Him.

I stand here holding Him as His blood drips off me and into the dust.
I stand here holding Him and listening for His last words.

I stand here listening, I here Him say, “It is finished” and He dies.

I stand here the weight of sin in His broken bloody body from the world.

I stand here; He cannot carry my weight so I humbly hold him.

I stand here lonely in the blood stained dirt, He is not here, and I saw the soldiers roll the stone in front of His cave.

I stand here, a cross on a hill and He is raised, I have seen Him!

I stand here with outstretched arms praising the Lord yet still watching; I see a dove in the sky it lands on my arm.

I stand here fulfilling my purpose in life and I will see Him again.

By Micah Krahn
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