I Vow To Promote The Truth Poem by John Sensele

I Vow To Promote The Truth

I vow neither to cry nor frown
Because frowns, tantrums and grumbles
Far from improving my life steal the crown
I earn by extricating myself from brambles.

I vow neither to hate nor lie
Because fibs, fabrications and concoctions
Far from lighting up my life they let it die
Amidst a plethora of dysfunctions.

I vow to both like and love
Because positive emotions lengthen my life
In every aspect and raise me above
Cabals that plot and nourish strife.

I vow to worship
More regularly to praise my Creator
In whom lies our eternal kingship
For Jesus is our supreme mediator.

I vow to delete records of wrongs
Heaped on me by backsliders
Whose strength lies in toxic tongues
That Lucifer uses as gliders.

I vow neither to mourn nor to groan
When creepy clouds on my horizon descend
Splashing gloom and doom on my lush lawn
Until I prove on my God I always depend.

I vow to pluck out my eyes
If they should stray in erogenous zones
Which feed naïve nerds on poisoned pies
Baked in banks that won't dispense any loans.

I vow to become honest
Because no value beats the truth
Which from heaps of lies emerges best
To embarrass the unwise and the uncouth.

Thursday, June 1, 2017
Topic(s) of this poem: poems
John Sensele

John Sensele

Ndola, Zambia
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