I Want To Be Poem by Daniel Towanojevski

I Want To Be

Rating: 5.0

I want to untie a knot
In my stupid head
I want to put the strings
One next to another
And with microscope
Check if there's a rift somewhere
And make them right
And make them masterpiece

I want to reign my country
My country - Humania
I want to make it glow
Like marble statue
From under the hands
Of Italian masters

I want to go
I want to go in the steps of Ancient Greeks
I want to shine
I want to shine like all those pure white stars
Thorough our history
I want to be...

I want to understand
Every colour of the rainbow
I want to find each shard
Each shard of skyblue crystal
Smashed out through space
At the very start of our days

I want to walk the Moon
And see colours of his essence
I want to swim in deepest magma
And feel its heat, and moments exceptionality
I want to taste the pearl of the deepest sea
I want to sit under the highest peak
And paint the sun
With its golden leafs
Riding the Earth

I want to see the Strings
Connecting me with everything of All

I want to feel...

I want to be...

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