I Wear, I Am, My Body Poem by Richard Spisak

I Wear, I Am, My Body

I wear, I am my body(3)

Touch your fingers and your toes
Within our bodies does our bright soul grow
With the simple knowledge of a step
Does babe wisdom begin and grow for thee, oh wise adept

To transcend the body's weakness seems our prayer
But our humblest knowledge begins just there
Our simplest awareness the eye and brain awake
How sadly cluttered, and beset when peace forsakes
And greeted by an hundred hurts,
the cowering mind, so startled jerks.

Call ye lucky who takes a step
The lowly lonely path of an earth side adept
Think him hungry and rich he who hath a feast
A fearsome burden till finds release

Spend uncounted hours amongst the sick,
then count your myriad blessings
richer than the watch clocks endless ticks

Count me lucky, I crossed a desert
past through the course, oh my fellow earthers,
it might've been so much the worser
Shrieking, bearing beating hours of soul bending pain,
I could no umbrella find from this awful clawing rain

Claw ye would out your very soul,
to find some relief,
from the tearing shrieking torment unconsoled
Any release, any refuge sought
Confined in this body, each unbidden unearthly scream,
no more concealed in dreaded threaded nightmare weave

And a fresh dawn finally reveals parting tearing clouds,
no longer pain-drenched
Simple life again reveals

A cloudless sky, sun-dappled leaves
Whose observation many miss,
in some dark corner of my mind,
do I still hear that warning hiss?
Be damned, begone, I hear the wizard conjure,
no longer threaten the grace of day
Who many simply squander,
ignore and fretting splay

Return I slowly to these urbane places
Through my eye mask, gaze on familiar faces
Golden friends and chance acquaintances
you'll never see, I hope,
where late I walked through haunted pain, fraught places

May you in endless lazy days,
follow golden sunbeams,
through garden traces,
where butterflies and songbirds,
annotate the races

I Wear, I Am, My Body
A philosophical musing on 'spirituality' and 'body awareness'
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