I Will Forget, I Will Replace... Poem by Rebecca Vera

I Will Forget, I Will Replace...

How long can I deal?
I don't want to feel...
I’m so tired of chasing and loving
his soul
I try to be cool and not show emotion
He neglecting me affects my moods
I can’t stand the sight of his face anymore
I get angry when I see him just looking at another woman
Imagine the thought that he sexed another woman.
Feeling upset and bothered by this whole mess
Not wanting to be here anymore this has to come to an end
Me first-I will forget I will replace
I need a man in my life that wants me unconditionally
Who thinks I’m beautiful and wants me without me having to ask…
Who loves me purely and completely and not half heartily or just a friend
Someone who will appreciate me and give me all the attention I so rightfully deserve
Someone who won’t answer a question with “Y”
A man who adores me and sees ME in his minds eye.


Very interesting write... your emotions flow so well with the truth of your feelings... Some men might need time and right place to express what they really feel... especially those who might have been let down by women few times and find it difficult to trust anybody new... I believe the most important thing is to try to understand the other person you feel for...

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Bernard Tommy Vue 13 May 2008

Girl you deserve betta, get a REAL MAN MADE.

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