I Would Think! Poem by Oke Christopher

I Would Think!

I would think of night and day,
Of dogs and wolves that bay.
The unity of darkness and light,
The beauty that comes of twilight
And the solidarity that is born of common hatred.
How purple could be the child of blue and red
And why love spits fire and struggles
I would think of how the merchant haggles,
Only to pride himself in what he has bought.
I would consider the joy a man has in what he has wrought
Whether for good or evil and what he gave for its perfection.
I would think of time dissection
And how my name may be etched in the timetablets of history
'Spite that I may never forget the scars of bigotry!
Maybe I should peruse the sunken secrets of beauty?
Or the bonds between men and kings to whom they have sworn fealty?
I would consider those that die daily
And how others feast and carouse gaily.
Shall I consider the loyalty of dogs?
Hounds steadfast through whips and hugs
Shall I consider where my heart dwells?
In God? Dogs? Beauty? Wisdom? Or the deep depths of lonely wells?
I desire to think of things that are not
And how to deliver them from my soul where they rot
In day I should think of the dark,
At night I should dream of the lark!
Yes, I would think of night and day,
A penny for my thoughts 'else nought would I say.

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