Ideas Instead Of Experience Poem by Margaret Alice

Ideas Instead Of Experience

Joe Fisher claims all discarnate entities are suspect
because of their negative effect on the mediums who
channel them, they feed us just enough truth to cover
their devious designs

I regard Seth as a positive entity, hoping Jane Robert’s
health failed naturally, Seth claimed Jesus did not die on
the cross, another took his place as He deemed crucifixion
unnecessary, resignedly I took this in my stride

Not worrying about attacks on Jesus’ Godly nature since it is
fashionable to doubt – having been prepared for this claim by
Wurmbrand’s Prayer – Jesus, if You had fled from hanging on
a cross, I would still love you - I smiled, it is true for me too

New Age ideas placing Jesus in Tibet, flying around in space-
ships do not shock me, if we want to venerate the beauty of Jesus’
message, nothing can stop us, contrary evidence shows the value
of Wurmbrand’s religious poetry in dealing with people’s fantasies

There is no need to defend assumptions, I base my joy in the story
of the Nativity in its beauty, ignoring debates which side-step all
personal experience; for skeptics preferring to reject this event,
any contrary argument is good enough

Personal experience of prayers heard is good enough for me, no
other vindication required, those who declare they are convinced
by Darwin’s arguments simply wish to try evolution out, I respect
their experiment, especially when they lament loss of faith

Proving their faith was based on ideas instead of experience…

Margaret Alice

Margaret Alice

Pretoria - South Africa
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