If God Would See My Heart Poem by Michael P. Johnson

If God Would See My Heart

Where hearts are plagued with loathsome hate
The mind will suffer pain
Death is to peace an open gate
Release from miseries chain

From many lives, the lights go out
When love flies out the door
When faith gives way to fear and doubt
And hope becomes no more

The devil knows when lives go wrong
When things are far from well
If then he’d make us sing his song
We’d dance our way to hell

What can we do? What can we say?
What has the future planned?
If only God would hear me pray
I’m sure He’d understand

He’s see my thoughts, my aching guilt
My heart and soul in strife
He’d see the hopes on which I’ve built
Could never lead to life

He’d see my loss, my will to fight
My life behind the cloud
But also since I’ve seen The Light
I’d leave the wayward crowd

Now if salvation flows in streams
If God still saves today
Then truth beyond my wildest dreams
Has shown to me the way

That way for me is here and now
My search is now complete
With heart and soul to Him I bow
With holes in hands and feet

Michael P. Johnson

Michael P. Johnson

New Silksworth / Sunderland Co/Durham England
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