If I Were A Fly Poem by Carolyn Sears

If I Were A Fly

If I were a fly on the wall I would
Never sleep,

I would hear all

See all

If I were a fly on the wall I would
Tell all.

No, don’t think so

You might as well forget about
The thing called sleep

I would harass you day and night
And fade into the darkness

I will eat your food and continue
To grow

Bigger and bigger I will grow

I still will retain my power to fade
Within the walls

To my safe haven called home

For this specified state I will surrender
My all

My safety is met within your walls, I
Call home

While I do these treacherous deeds

But I certainly would buy me a
Pair of seeing glasses and

Keep them free of lint and dust

I would perch my self high above
Close to the ceiling,

Your head is my target

Moon pies is my bombs

Just whistling around your head
Buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz

But, want it be fun?

You’ll dry your face from all the water
That spill’s and leak''s


Excuse me,

These were not of my intention

Don’t hit me sir, please sir don’t hit

I’ll find another home just let me
Fly away



Into another wall in your house

Close to wherever you sit not to
Miss any fun

In silence I’m thinking of making
Myself a new home

We’ll make our home as we feed and
Become an nuisance

Flying and buzzing, buzzing around your

Singing you will never rid yourself of me

I will only make more of my litter

To infest your home with my off spring

Our species rise to be stronger as one

Carolyn Sears

Carolyn Sears

Magnolia, Arkansas
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