sam, corrupt S, finley Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Sweetest Girl

You’re the sweetest girl I ever met
Beautiful eyes like a rising sunset
A face as stunning as an angels glow
Her elegant heart as pure as her soul

Video Games Are Evil And Bad

Video games are evil and you shouldn’t play them
They will take you out but take you away from a friend
You don’t want to have blood shot eyes
So throw away the games their all lies

Hurt Without Friends

A boy abused and tormented without friends
No one by him all alone is where he stands
Cries because he is going along the unloved
Who cared when he was pushed and shoved?


[Me] I see long hair in front of me
So beautiful that I can’t see
She walks away so I go and try to forget her
I went for a walk but there she is crying

Broken Wings

An angel without wings is not an angel
It’s just a kind creature always in a tangle
Forever trying to help the ones in need
And trying to rid the world of the greed

Piercing Noise

My head is splitting and it’s tearing me apart
This piercing noise is straying my lone heart
Distracting me from what’s right and wrong
Confused and losing sight to where I belong

Graceful Wings

Graceful wings carry me away
Tear my face and have me renamed
Lead me to happiness, not where I am today
Angel smile at me and give me relief

The Uncomplete Tale Of Guts The Black Swordsman

His spirit was broken and he was a broken man
But the sword he kept would never leave his hand
No matter how many wounds he must take
He could never die when his love is at stake

Dark Crow

A dark crow flies by a grave from the sky
It lands on my shoulder and stares at me
The crow says I’ll see you when you die
But all I can say is that I’m so so sorry


My heart runs cold on a bloody night
I jump in front of a car and I see light
How about I hang myself with wired string
Or maybe I could die without being seen

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