If You Abide In Jesus Christ. Poem by Roxanne Dubarry

If You Abide In Jesus Christ.

If you abide in Jesus Christ, he will faithfully promise to.
Always abide in you. If by chance you go astray. Taking
dangerous chances by going your own way. Like a father
seeking a prodigal child, he will run to welcome you
safely back home again. He will hide you under the
shelter of his wings.

Your sins will be blotted out to be held in remembrance
no longer. Though your sins be as scarlet, they shall
be washed cleaner than snow. Staying safely in the
sheep fold, you will be under the protection. Jesus
Christ is your good Shepard.

You are part of the jewels in his crown. You are part
of his inheritance. He will award his faithful
servants with golden crowns. Laden with precious jewels.
To cast down before his feet. On that very special upcoming
day.If you abide in Jesus Christ, perfect love casts
out all fears. And you need never be afraid.

We are living in the final days of the church age.
The eternity's time clock is rapidly approaching.
We are one minute until midnight. It is 11.59 PM.
They say the wormwood asteroid not meter should impact the
earth around 2029.It is mentioned in the book
of Revelations as one of the seven trumpet judgements.

If you abide in Jesus Christ, he has granted you
everlasting life. You need have no fear about
what tomorrow may bring your way. Please abide
under his tender loving care always.

Love in Christ Jesus!
Roxanne Lea Dubarry
Roxy Lea 1954
Roxy 1954/ October Country
March 09,2020
revised March 10,2020

Wormwood is not a meter it is an asteroid.

Monday, March 9, 2020
Topic(s) of this poem: spirituality
I wanted to remind fellow believers to always abide safely in Jesus Christ!
Roxanne Dubarry

Roxanne Dubarry

Seattle, Washington
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