Im Scared Poem by Rachel BaByBeAr Anderson

Im Scared

Im scared of living
of moving on
I dont want to close my eyes and forget
everytime i try im just taking another hit
the last shreds of you i numbly hold onto
i dont want to loose them
i dont want to forget you
Im scared of being called 'Sweetie' by other boys
cringing whenever i hear it called
i dont want anyone else using your words
its like selling you to everyone else
Im scared of never talking to your family again
of loosing the only connection left
i dont want to be on my own
Im scared of being with someone else
seeing boys i like but not wanting to be near them
i dont want to be with someone else, just you
Im scared of loving someone else
of replacing you completey
i dont want to be with anyone anymore
Im scared of crying
of showing im hopeless
i dont want to seem heartless
but i get closer to it everyday
Im scared of growing old
forgetting every detail
forgetting all about us
Im scared of slowly dying
i just want to quicken the pace
but im too cowardly to finnish the race
i think i want to die
but then again i do that every day
everytime i wake up and open my eyes

Starr, Aleah Garris 18 March 2010

i was just about to submit a poem but then i read yours and i thought i no longer need to anymore that was exactly what was going on in my mind good work

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