In Another Life Poem by Wilfred Mellers

In Another Life

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In Another Life
Written by: Wilfred Mellers August 10,2015

In another life you were mine
Touched the stars nine times nine
I held you like there was no tomorrow
Everywhere I went you were my shadow
In another life, we were happy together
Everything in life looked so much better
I'd sacrifice my very life to just see you smile
You're everything that was worthwhile

In another life, the world just melts away
Watching you was the way I'd spend the day
By your side, I wanted to lay
Slowly the night turns to day
Forever with you, I wanted to stay
Hours flew by in a wink of an eye
My garden fertilized by beautiful butterfly

In another life, your company was all I sought
Like the fly in your web, I was caught
I wanted to be next to you always and forever
You ask me if I tire of you and I'd say never
Just holding your hand brought elation
My world, my life, my sole inspiration

In another life, there were babies, two, maybe three
Reality vanished for you were there with me
In another life, there was joy and laughter
Yesterday, today, tomorrow until the hereafter
We would walk in the rain as if the sun was still shining
The heavens open and Angels were singing
Makes no sense this reality I spend
In this life, I'm there until the very end

In another life, there were fields of green and blue
Mangos, pineapples, melons, and honeydew
Shades ran from yellow, purple, and even red
Cupcakes, strawberry, and gingerbread
Gray, brown, and even white
My orange grove and sunny delight

You brought new life to these old bones
I heard mystical magical sequences and overtones
I was a king seated on a jade throne
For you even death I would postpone
Each moment was joyous and delightful
Conversation true and so insightful
Escapades we would venture
Every day was a new adventure
We would build sandcastles in the firmament
Sentiments of affection were my testament

In another life, you held me without letting go
Every inch of you I wanted to know
Each moment was an eternity briefly in passing
Feelings new I found were everlasting
You held me with sensitive care
A life together I sought to share
Inseparable for nothing could keep us apart
In another life, I'm still in your heart

How inspiring your voice calling out my name
After you, nothing has been the same
I can listen to you speak without uttering a sound
For a Gem of a rose I had truly found
I would watch you sleep so I could never forget your smile
My Cleopatra and lily of the Nile

Carried by the wind I the bird in mid-flight
Such songs for you I could write
Resting blissfully on a cloud
To honor, love, and respect I vowed

In another life we such the pair
No matter what you did I was always there
Nothing else seemed to matter as much
For I died a little at your every touch

There was nothing I wouldn't do for you
For when you were sad, I was sad too
You gave me a voice so I could sing
No sacrifice extreme for you my everything

For all questions you were the answer
You were the music and I the dancer
My solo debut for life was now new
In another life I'm there with you
In another life you are with me
In another life everything is as it should be

Monday, August 10, 2015
Topic(s) of this poem: reflection
Wilfred Mellers

Wilfred Mellers

Kinston, Jamaica, West Indies
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