In Bloom In Autumn Poem by Richard Ford Bunuel Whale Carnegie Edison Simon Hitchcock Welles Christ Antunes Rodriguez Kubrick

In Bloom In Autumn

In Bloom in Autumn

A soul mate to be,
Just you and me,
As the glint in your eyes
Are permanent and transfixing
And speak for man in hushed tones,

As I am crippled inside
And have had the saddened
And the daily scorned to crack
My sanity multiple times,
In want to have my heart

Of a girl who I can see in video online
Held in silence, if a silence were to grow
Like a flower filmed in time lapse
To watch it grow intermittently
Like a love letter set to movie

In you I see an inner self
In need of my mind healed by love
Louder for the revelation of feelings
Of loving declaration like an exaltation
Of beauty to fully bloom in Autumn,

Of purity of which others hate
To find inside the quiet heart
In mine... As love granted
Both in tandem heart
A phenomenon of inner peace

You shape and mold the human clay
Inside and outside of my person...
And mind so clear to one day
Consummate the feelings I've held
In safe harbor waters when in echo

Held hand in hand with you
As the waves gently ebb and flow
Upon the shore to the tune of silent awe
Stare to look up to the heavens
To later find you held so tight

While In bed as if we were
We hold each other heat to heat
With the betterment
Of our better halves fulfilled
And complete as you speak

Into a microphone you'll help
As you gift the world comfort
And emotional support... For us two
Mutual as it were to make love
Where you help me as we deep kiss

Through the windows of my eyes
To see the loneliness inside
Reflected back a common trait
Of heart break passed by
Like film threaded through a camera

The precious uniqueness of you as woman
Exposing the vision of a beauty
Not soon forgotten but to live
Permanent to reflect the transfixing
Up to the grandeur of love with you

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