Richard Ford Bunuel Whale Carnegie Edison Simon Hitchcock Welles Christ Antunes Rodriguez Kubrick

Richard Ford Bunuel Whale Carnegie Edison Simon Hitchcock Welles Christ Antunes Rodriguez Kubrick Poems

To Dream...Steadfast We Live

Dedicated to all those dreamers


Heal My Mind

To Compare A Love To Life
Where We Can Two Live As One
Me For You And You For I
I Beseech You To Feel

True To Love

Drink up the city of NYC,
The greatest city on earth,
8 million people living together,
But separate to give privacy

A Jigsaw Puzzle Piece In Heart

You See My Heart

Poetry OF Heartbreak: Lonely Hearts Club Man

All Once Loved

The Right Of Way

When Day Of Blackest Sheen

My True Heaven

She Is To Light

Memories' Grace A Love When Found

I'd Be Very Attentive To Everything She Is

Memory Ash (Sunday June 10,2012

Transitory Glory Mourning

A Love Gone.... Awry.

To My Heart's Content

I Long For You

A Synapse Kiss of Creation Thought

After Image From Sight Gone but Latent in Memory

Inside The Cross of Iron Shadow

Shape to Guide Aligned by Light

A kind of magic not contained ın full
Innocence regained ın shadow youth
Held forever ın heart to mourn memory
To cast a spell of heart's ıllusion
The years that separate the magic
From the present hollow lovelorn

A Bicycle Built For Two

I Speak Personal...

Good Night, Cosmos

Good Night Princess...

Ever-Heart In Longing

A Woman Is To Man

Heartbreak Row

Crushed By Way of Goliath

Richard Ford Bunuel Whale Carnegie Edison Simon Hitchcock Welles Christ Antunes Rodriguez Kubrick Biography

Sunday February 9...1982... She died giving birth to me that they had to perform an emergency c section... To save my life... They had to resuscitate me.... I was born a hermaphrodite... Both with female and male sex... My father made the call to make me male... I was spayed at birth and made a male... Turns out I have a twin inside of me... She or it keeps me company... I can't die of natural causes... I love to make the world Eden like... Fore an Eden it shall be again.. Lifelong love affair with cinema takes root. Has photographic memory... Remembers first memory of mother Dulce preparing cream of wheat with warm milk and sprinkle of sugar. Momentous occasion in revelation... Upon reaching center for first time... Taste sugar... Mind goes haywire vocalize for first time in asking for more... Becomes fat baby. Remembers first time show ever watched... Incredible Hulk...1982 to 1983 season. Remembers father and mother leaving me in front of television... Watches the episode... Remembers vividly the opening sequence animation of Hulk breaking free of underground bunker with walls of bunker closing in on him... Leaps out.. Lands to leave fissure in ground in desert... Remembers first time ever started moving... Drags diapered ass along carpet with heels along carpet... Remembers Tila Castro outside periphery while Diana Castro being bottle fed by Dulce Antunes... Took first steps perfectly timed to father getting home... First impression of father as he got home from work... Such pride in voice for having witnessed son reach kitchen table in grasping its edge without falling down... Such pride in voice as he repeatedly called me his son... Remembers first book purchased... Dinosaur children's book from supermarket... Fave dinosaur a sauropod... Remembers first words said... One afternoon... Sisters seated on couch in living room... Ana now Ana Bella Goldsmith sits to my left as sister Paula sits to right... They force me to watch 'pid general hospital... They switch channels during commercial break... Its A syndicated episode in the 3 o'clock hour... During commercial break... They go channel surfing... Stops on episode of A-Team of A-Team taking on faggot bitch bikers... They take a magnetic crane and Drops it on one end of the line of bikes outside bar... Line of bikes Topples down like dominoes... Enraptured with suspense... Ana Bella Goldsmith gets up and tells Paula to change it back to 'pid General Hospital... Tension mounts... I blurt out first words... M'atchee until preferred sister reaches for remote... Which is French kinda for Macho... Ana Bella doesn't understand what I mean... Paula does... Ana continues to scream put Oh My God... What does he want... Paula switches back to A-Team... Domino effect of resolve upon watching test of episode. Around Christmas of 1983... Laying beside my father in bed as we watch the Disney Channel... First short movie cried to... Mickey's A Christmas Carol... I cried at the introduction of Tiny Tim... Models self later on in life with Children like Mickey as Bob Cratched with nieces Stephanie Marie Goldsmith and Michael Andrew Goldsmith and Ashley Ann Goldsmith... First feature film watched proceedingly... Pinocchio... Cries at song When You Wish Upon A Star... Your dreams come true... Which on the Easter of 2004 I wished for World Peace or Peace On Earth quoting the passcode to stop nuclear war P.O.E. as in Edgar Allan Poe Kubrick's favorite horror writer... Laurel and Hardy film as the first film said watched in AVF27 class in Seville Spain of 1985... In Orson Welles' home... Was wearing nice vest... Watching Babes in Toyland... First time noticed full shot of Laurel and Hardy from head to toe near a watering well... Sybil DelGaudio calls out to me... Ricardo come to bed... I reply with no... I want to watch the movie... Stay til end of film with MGM logo... Later meet Sybil at Hofstra... Was Orson Welles' home... Early love of R-rated films develops early on. Watched video rental of Roger Cormon's Alligator uncut vhs rental prior to leaving to Portugal. Reenactment of black and white film when eldest sister locks younger brother in laundry room prior to leaving.. movie was a Michael Curtiz film,20,000 Miles To Sing Sing. As sister enjoys make out session with then boyfriend while brother turns to give voice in protest for having been locked in the laundry room. Brother turns to positioning crib propped up against locked door. Rasps juice cup back and forth across bars of crib in same spirit of old prison film drama. While in Portugal, turn to lining up suspects after toy cars are stolen. Question suspects similar as interrogation in old movie seen. Questioning limited and not proficient in language as those questioned. Movie involving spatial dislocation in black and white haunted house film disturbs. Early love of surrealist cinema formed? Indubitably because all films are surrealist because all films have spatial and temporal dislocation. Viewing of uncensored Stallone film Cobra seen. Falls short in quality when re-watched years later in high school because it was edited for television and wasn't widescreen. Films re-watched in adulthood sometimes lack luster and sheen of youth as in King Kong Lives, which i love, its my favorite King Kong film. My first Kong film was either Godzilla Vs. King Kong. My favorite monster movie as child Frankenstein. It is my most read novel... I explain that in great detail on my facebook. First film ever recorded to tape from Super Scary Saturdays... War of the Gargantuas... Giant Frankenstein monsters that upon being in a library for the first time... Look up encyclopedia entry on Frankenstein and later Dinosaur reference books. Fave horror movie in early youth... The Mummy with Boris Karloff except was colorized... Early love of Kaiju and horror movies develop from watching Super Scary Saturdays on TBS. Loved also remake of the Wolf man shown on Super Scary Saturdays hosted by Grandpa Munster... Al Lewis... Turn to developing love for R rated films further at the age of four. Love in reverence and influence develop for Die Hard (which I saw at my molester's house because I am John McClane and and Am the Cop... I saved myself) David Cronenberg's The Fly (in which I rented twice from Pharmor) , Robocop + Raising Arizona (had recorded on the same VHS tape) , Gremlins which I first recorded on tape... And James Cameron's Terminator which I saw off of HBO with my mother and father in Kindergarten or prior to entering into Kindergarten... And in Kindergarten my parents abandoned me in school... It was so traumatizing because I didn't know what what school was... And I cried constantly for days because I didn't want to be in school... And in Kindergarten I sat with my 3 black friends in the cafeteria... And someone at Southboro burned down the school around Christmas of 1988... Two upper classes were wanting to impress a girl at Southboro and they threw a Molotav cocktail through the window of the main building... And I left my G.I. Joe Christmas gift from Victor Carvalho and my sister Ana Bella Goldsmith and the school burned down... But Southboro never recovered so schools shouldn't be run by the government... There should be more home schooling and or should be geared to be like college or trade schools so people are ready to enter into the work force and follow their dreams immediately and colleges are greedy because too many people become financially destitute and can't start their lives... Southboro was a private elementary... We had a sand box in the middle of the class and an Iguana as class pet. And which reminds me one of my favorite movies was with Ringo Starr and Ringo was in Caveman... Conan the Barbarian was big for me that I didn't know what sex was that when I saw the orgy scene in the film I asked Victor what it was and he laughed... Rambo First Blood Part 2 and Predator (of which I saw in at my molester's place when it came out on vhs... Best movie night ever in elementary school... Best movie ever. Rode around in tricycle modeled after Rambo sequel. Attended screening of Robocop while in theaters with sister. That was the first time I was in a movie theater and the only time I ever snuck into one it was during the week... Saw my first Kung Fu film in Kindergarten...36 Chamber of Shaolin. In mid-80's John Huston's remake series of Alfred Hitchcock Presents becomes first awareness of Hitchcock. Episode of loner adolescent girl who points and pulls trigger of loaded revolver. Puts bullet into empty chamber after each pull of the trigger until fired. End of episode. Original series of Alfred Hitchcock lingers in memory and later in influence. Episode of Joseph Cotten mistaken for dead after car crash resulting in full body paralysis was my first... My father was playing around with the rabbit eats and only could get that one channel... Think we were in a hotel and its the episode of Breakdown... Solitary tear saves from autopsy and accidental death. Found disturbing in early youth but ironic later on May 27th 2012 involving father. Effective subjective camera techniques employed by Hitchcock prove effective. Loved watching Miami Vice, Moonlighting, Knight Rider, and one if my fave seeies growing up... The Hitchhiker. My favorite show of all time is Alfred HitchcockPresents/Alfred Hitchcock Hour/89'sbp Alfred Hitchcock... all 14 seasons. Early,90's I loved the show Swamp Thing and Forever Knight! All throughout youth and into teenage years, films are present in viewings. Was always religious... Takes college level Biology class Freshmen year...2 weeks into the first year of high school... Fall in love with Diana Maria Castro our first time in AP Biology... Partnered with Nate Dubosh... She sits behind me class... Partnered with Nick Fales... One favorite memory of hers is A Nightmare Before Christmas SCREENING prior to Christmas... She's seated with her friend Sarah... She keeps adjusting her bangs over and over and over again throughout the class to look me in the eyes... Best day ever... Nate Dubosh and Manny Simon turn to Princess Diana.. Tries to convince her to be with me... Says I am funny and have good one liners... She loves Alanis Morrisette and Nelly Fertado... Her dream was to be a model... Has beautiful singing voice... Should she be a singer? ... Yes... Speaking of singing... She sang briefly in front of me in 1997 in Jessica Yu's house and she was bashful... But could sing well... Speaking of her and Sarah... First notice Diana again at the end of the sixth grade in 1994... Since my time in Indian Orchard... When... In Flight of the Navigator screening in science class... I notice her... She looks to me... Makes eye contact with me... Turns to Sarah and starts poking fun but not a mean kind of way... She giggles when she sees me... A knowing giggle... In 7th grade Spanish Class... Draw picture of Diana Castro's father... Carly Bellevue turns to Diane and says... Diane that looks like your father... I would know.. We lived on the same street in Indian Orchard... Choir class... Watch Frankenstein... Best day in middle school. Following year... Reads first novel for fun... Mary Shelley's Frankenstein. Does report on Einstein and the theory of relativity in 8th grade. E=MC2... Diana Castro wants to be a model/singer... I can write lyrics for her. Early on in 9th grade... Faith in God falters on first learning of theory of evolution... Do second but 'Pid poster for class on Evolution... Proclaims atheist but wasn't... Only said so in writing to differentiate myself... To be cool... But wasn't... At the end of the year in Mr. Cotti's English class me and Diane of results of career assessment...have most compatible number of careers... Her for the girls and me for the boys... Screening if To Kill A Mockingbird was too painful... Way too painful... Didn't watch one of my favorite films in class because was afraid people would see me staring at Diane Castro who sat in the back of the class in its center that year... Petrified to look at her... Stared at the table top... By the by... To Kill A Mockingbird was one of the first dvds I bought from Columbia House... Night of or shortly thereafter impasse in life... Father wanted me to be a Doctor but I have an artistic and scientific mind... Was in the computer class to research career opportunity research of assessment... Turn to Manny first upon reading about Directing... Ironic because I said... Directing... Why did I get this... Have dream of Christ on the cross descending from the hesven's... First thing I ask of him is for Diana Castro's hand in marriage... Secondly I wish for a long life, was at an impasse in life... Didn't know what to do with life... Ask for all my dreams to come true... Was chosen.... Never compromised my sexuality... Saving my first kiss for my Wedding day... Could have had my first kiss on my birthday in 1988... Didn't want to kiss the wrong girl... Ran underneath my dad's parked car on West Lakewood Rd. West Palm Beach Florida to get away from kissing Michelle... My best friend in Kindergarten who was a tom boy... She gave me a dollar present on my birthday in 1989 and then but when I set it down the dollar flew away when I wasn't looking and we stopped hanging out then... But we continued to be friends from Southboro + South Olive + Palmetto... Oh my best friend in Kindergarten that I talked on the phone with was Droopy faced Leonard who's father died of cancer in the 1st grade but Leonard punched me in the stomach and I cried... Why... Because I have a twin inside my uterus and it shocked it and I cried... It knocked the wind out of me and it was the last birthday Leonard had with his dad... Nice man... He consoled me much... Very much... And comforted... Nice man... Which they could have cured cancer in time... I guess I was always the cure... Last seen Michelle IN 4TH GRADE... Dr. Fergusen's class... Haven't seen her since got violent one time by throwing sand in Dawn's eyes... Regret it but I was with Derek but Derek Kervi I think had a crush on Dawn... And her friend elbowed me and my neck snapped back... One time in the 4th grade I fell backwards on a broken swing with Allen my Hispanic philipini friend and hit my head and was out for 30 seconds... And came back... Allen gave me my favorite Incredible Hulk issue 5th grade have first sexual arousal over my best girl who was a friend named Rosa... We were seated outside on the back of the trailer class room... I was checking out her bare leg and got my first sexual awakening if you get my drift... We were doing readings and when it alternated to me... I was busy pretending to look at the book... Was seated right next to her... Also my father had to take a second job at a hospital... He was working at The Breakers hotel... But my mom lost her job at another hotel where there were Cabanas and I saw tv shows after school like Darkwing Duck and Baeatlejuice... We got my Dog Mucky there... A runt of the litter who would have died because the mother wouldn't let her feast on her teet. And we got her on July 16 1991 and we bottle fed her like a baby and kept her in a shoe box... And one time in 832 Hansen St... And she saw her reflection for the first time and ran into the mirrored closet door... And 832 Habeen St. Where the fence was 6 or 7 feet tall and it was nice and private... And I used to play basketball outside everyday and play with my tennis ball... My throwing sliders against the tool shed and it ricocheting back and me catching the tennis ball for hours... And it was fun and if I missed the ball she would fetch it... So my sexual awakening was with a skinny red head named Rosa who I haven't seen since... She was wearing a mini skirt... I was looking at her exposed leg... First erection ever... Developed foot fetish with my molester's cousin... Prior to moving into West Lakewood Road... I saw her for the first time she was barefoot... Raven long hair... And the last time I saw her we were visiting her in a giant mansion and we found out about Sabado Gigante... she was showing me her Atari and I looked at her all googly eyed... Turn to on first getting to Condo... Sniffing the carpet like a puppy dog to get a scent of her feet as mother was vacuuming... First woman I fell in love with was my Cousin Carla Tierres... Tall drink of water Of a girl... Short cropped boyish Pixie hair cut... Blonde... In Spain... She loved Bon Jovi and watching MTV... Would awaken to her opening the blinds every morning and gently awakening to her face... I was small so I slept not on a bed but two couch chairs turned against each other... Inverted... Tell her indirectly how I feel for her by... Breaking a picture frame stand of hers and watching her from the doorway peering at her from outside the Kitchen... Haven't seen her since... Developed hair fetish for women with short hair... And foot fetish... At Jessica Yu's house I was looking at Diana Maria Castro's immaculate white socks... As she notices me looking at her feet the entire time during the Ken Burns Revolutionary War documentary off of PBS... Was elated in Mazzoco's class... When Diane Mazzoco paired us off with me and Diana Maria... At Karen Gozziminski's house... Diane Maria gets up when she notices me checking her out... She gets up and lays beside Karen and Kat-bear and her whisper Become aware of the band Queenat Karen's.. And oggled Supergirl with a bra on... Diane Castro was uncomfortable... She left... Then I left... Learned she lived on Greenwich Street... I lived on Warren... Didn't step foot on Greenwich once... Was afraid she would think me a Stalker... Chivalry... Watched Last of the Mohecans after Diana Maria Castro said she loved the movie... Shortly before: On fabled weekend early on in high school, after quitting comic books I turned to serious movie watching by viewing of five masterpieces. Films: Easy Rider, Raging Bull, Goodfellas, The Shining. and lastly, One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest all for the first time. At weekend's end, late Sunday night, watched One Flew Over The Cuckoos's Nest with parents. When film ended, epiphany comes to mind. The awe and roller coaster ride of emotion's felt while having watched these masterpieces, result of dawn of epiphany in becoming film director. Prior, felt as if lost in a sea of indecision toward future purpose. Once epiphany found, a light and purpose laden in goal in life. Result to haunting the Springfield Main Public Library to begin studies in film. First film book read was on Steven Spielberg's films. Proceed to David Mamet's book on Film Directing. First film book bought, , , Film Directing Shot by Shot. Last book read in self study on film while college bound, Scorsese On Scorsese. Never loved Mia Cabana because her first love was the football player... But upon reading Color Purple she proclaimed she was a lesbian and I knew she fell in love with Diane Mazzoco.. But I fell out of love with her how disrespectful she was toward Franco Zefferelli's Romeo and Juliet... The virginal kissing scene... Where they henpeck and kiss like crazy... Never bothered to see Romeo + Juliet the Baz Luhrman film until years later... But It was a turn off when girl's made fun of Alfred Hitchcock's Psycho... But Mazzoco had a good taste in classic movies... I had actually seen Cat on a Hot Tin Roof before her mentioning in class... Was into Corey Bennett first... Got into Data because of her because she had stickers on her binder... Was into Darlene my senior year... She wanted to do music videos and loved the thong song but I never heard of Nsync or the Bacstreet boys then... Mia Cabana I don't love because she was always talking to David Stinson or Manson Ozz... And Manson Ozz ruined my chances in my first date with Kelly from Palmer Massachusetts because she fell in love with my mind... We both loved A Nightmare on Elm Street growing up and I watched many horror films... Off of super scary Saturdays... And I loved insect movies... My first Spielberg film I saw was Indiana Jones And The Temple of Doom on the ABC Sunday night movie...1985... Loved how it ended with a kiss... The epitome of classic film romance... As an aside since I was born a Hermaphodite... I was 4 lbs and 2 or 3 oz... And had to wear doll clothes like Kurt Conan because we were so small we had to wear doll clothes but my sister's naked Dollies stayed in Portugal. Of which I only watched s half hour of television a day and played with my dad's flash cubes. And I I loved my father... He was my best friend. Taught me all he knew about business so that's good for producing... Victor Carvalho taught me how to draw. That's good for storyboarding. Drew Sauropods a lot at a child. Had an E.T. doll. With him carrying a speak and spell and when I was teething I bit off its toes. Got a Gremlins doll before going to Portugal... Kept that toy.. It was Stripe as doll as a Gremlin... Brought it with me to college... Along with Mickey's leash... And some photographs of her... Mickey was murdered because I loved Diane Castro... I had told Dave Stinson online how she had crouched down in the middle of the street and a car could have hit her... And when Mia Cabana came to my door on Halloween my dog scared her away... And I had told Stinson how you can't give hollow chicken bones because the bones eviscerate the intestines... Like bamboo shards in food in Hanoi Hilton... And she got her stuttering cousin to give chicken bones to my dog Mickey... And I had said in a therapy session. About my film The Locusts The Eighth Plague that I dreamed about but told my Puerto Rican Gay Therapist in Spiringfield my best therapist... About the dream and he wrote down in the record about a fear of giant insects when I am not afraid of insects... And for some reason there was this giant poisonous spider in the porch not indigenous to Massachusetts and my mom killed the spider with a broom... And someone hit Mickey with a car and she got winded... When we weren't home... And I know this because I had a telepathic connection with her... She was like a daughter to me... I bottle fed her... And me and my father used to take her fishing on a secluded beach and she would run around on the beach and she never let a male dog near her.... She was a virgin all her life... Happy times going fishing with my dad every weekend... Peaceful... We went fishing since kindergarten... And we bonded by watching movies... Loved going to the beach... Fun... One time my father saved me from a rip tide... He reached in and pulled me out... And one time I had inhaled a big marble a breaking marble... Loved playing marbles as a kid... And it was purple marble and it went down my wind pipe and my father dislodged it by hitting my back hard and I didn't want to throw up in the house so I ran out the back porch and threw up on the welcome mat... And... For some strange reason my sister Ana was kicked out if the house... My father slapped her and kicked her out... And I was in the kitchen watched an Ewoks tv movie... It was the one with the Rancor... Used to love watching cartoons as a childhood.. Voltron... Go Bots... Transformers which I called Za Za Zee for some strange reason... And loved Robin Warriors... And Exo Squad and Mr. Bogus and Toxic Avenger the cartoon... Attack of The Killer Tomatoes... Gargoyles... Batman the Animated Series since it premiered in 1989 with the Man Bat episode at 8: 30pm after the Simpson's or was it In Living Colour... Loved In Living Colour because I watched it from the beginning episode when it first premiered... Loved Married With Children... And Hermen's Head... And Parker Lewis Can't Lose... And the Ben Stiller Show... Yabba Dabba Doo Ysbba Dabba Doo Doo... My favorite skit on the show because it was brilliant parody in a supermarket... Loved the Mr and Mrs. Pac Man Cartoons... Savage Dragon Cartoon... Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles... Up until it went to CBS then it sucked balls... Because Michaelangelo had a grappling hook... WTF... Oh an E one time I cried like a pussy at the supermarket til my parents bought me the pilot two part episode... Which was great... I hated Mia Cabana... She asked me out on a date to go see The Spanish Prisoner and I didn't want to go... I wanted to read my film book... Not talk to her... And also a favorite film book was the Renee Harmon book on film directing... I love that book... Great teacher... Also Mia Cabana blamed my dad for my dog's death but my father's heart wouldn't have failed if the dog hadn't died... See it was Sunday into Monday January 31... At 4 in the morning... And the dog was on the other side of the duplex... Mia Cabana's cousins side... And I heard a lot of banging up against the wall... And the duplex was owned by John Dias' uncle... And I didn't like John Dias... Because his father had a bar and gave drinks to underage kids... And got them piss drunk all the time... Date rape drugs... Is alcohol... And alcohol leads to bad things and Sean Michael Chick as Ted to kill me over a beer he peer pressured me when I was most impressionable after the weekend of hypnosis from April 17 to April 18... On the 19 I went out with Sean and he said that I always get confused when we go out to eat cause Max Kolb was Dyslexic and I am not... And I cried over Max Kolb because my sister didn't want me to go to campus police to report the black homophobic Nigerian football player... And the tell was that Sean said he was only going to beat the shit out of me... And Sean was there in the common room... In Colonial Square... The Lions Den or Den of Wolves... Hofstra University... Which I didn't like cause they do a lot of piracy there... And there was this gay kid named Chris that I suspected because the Tell... He mentions Duel... Straw Dogs... And Sisters... I will get to that later Flash back to high school: In chemistry class... Turn to not taking class seriously... Because teacher put down segregation of students by intelligence quotient by segregating students... Like they had at Conniston Middle School... I was in the advanced placement section... Had field trip to TGIFridays with Advanced Placement and Gifted students... Hear of MTV and Beavis and Butthead in fall of 1993 for the first time... Flip through channels... Disturbed by Heart Shaped Box Video... First exposure to Nirvana... Leave for Massachusetts in 1994... Arrive Monday January 17... Custodio's birthday and Martin Luther King Day... Go to school on the 19th... Don't want to start school there right away... Delay to the 21st... Start getting all schizophrenic that day... Traumatic and most painful day of my schooling... I think You Know You're Right was recorded then... Or around that time... Conformist town of gossip monsters infest the town... On Friday April 8th 1994... Become aware of Kurt Cobain's passing... Passing through the halls... Hear Brandon turn to Dave Stinson and ask... Dave do you hear what happened... Yeah... It fucking sucks... Which was the same thing Steve Tsepelis said on Wednesday finals week in Calkins lab... And I hadn't heard what happened to Max... I was writing my paper on Rear Window and Blow Up... About an actual murder... And Blow Up about an illusory one... Max Kolb's was Real... Kurt faked his death... He wasn't murdered... He was in Slipknot. Back to high school... Tail end of sophomore year, tune in and record AFI's 100 YEARS 100 MOVIES. Greater awareness of cinema's past take root. Realization of ignorance toward most films on the list. Purchase commemorative magazine in honor of list. Record and watch one hour series of theme based specials on AFI list. By high school's end, seen 96 of the 100 films in their entirety. Develop high influence and regard for Spielberg during high school. Watch films directed by influences of Steven Spielberg. In junior year, while listening to Spielberg's interview sound bytes on verge of weekend premiere of Saving Private Ryan. Spielberg when asked about influential living contemporaries, responds with Kubrick and Scorsese. First awareness of Stanley Kubrick. What is ironic was that Kubrick wasn't making a film once every decade... he was consulting friends in Tinsel town as an advisor for making masterpieces or the best films the could churn out. Proceed to watch any and all Kubrick films. In growing reverence, connection made in recollection of Freshmen year Western Civilization class as teacher questioned class over Paths of Glory. Dr. Kosher asks class who here likes Garlic bread... I raise my hand... Then he goes... Yeah so can tell I can smell your breath from here... Then he asked who here seen Paths of Glory... I hadn't but made mental note to check it out... Moment reinforced in memory while Kubrick grows in significance to this cinephile in development. Watched nothing but Kubrick films with my father... Our favorite was Barry Lyndon. Early on in high school, first initial viewing of Turner Classic Movies when film Stalog 17 broadcast while at sister's home in 1997... Got bad advice from Steve Goldsmith to accentuate the bulge in your pants by how the clothes fall on you... Girls start rumors of exaggerated phallus... Since born hermaphrodite... Kind of small... Turns to Turner Classic Movies and shortly there after American Movie Classics in search of growing cinematic influences. Proceeds to record hundreds upon hundreds of movies to VHS. Limit one film per vhs cassette recorded. Turns to films as tutor while there be lack of outlet for film education in school. Proceed to multiple viewings of masterpieces and perennial favorites to study the aesthetics that go into films and the patterns of over all construction. Opening and closing segments to films broadcast on TCM and AMC also helpful in whatever nuggets of trivia attained for self education. Watching film's daily serve as mode of escapism from stifling and suffocating suburban environment. Good days amounted to up to watching 3 films in one day. Back to back to back. On weekends I would sometimes get up to four at most give movies a day... Film's romanticized as modes of living vicariously the lives of anyone from all walks of life amidst any time and place. While on one of the multiple movie theater screenings of Star Wars Episode I, to mark awareness of Kubrick's final film, a friend is pointed to a film poster of Eyes Wide Shut. The Frenemy was David Stinson... The first and only film of his seen by this Kubrick in theaters then... Saw Dr. Strangelove in theaters in 2016... Funniest movie ever... You have to read the Norman Kagen book on Kubrick... The chapter on Dr. Strangelove explains all the jokes... Once free from high school altogether, film education is furthered when dozen's upon dozens of film book's purchased at college book fair. On start of college, movie theater club served as avenue to cinema going in break from weekly grind from classes. Three film books read by the time of my first college film class. One book, Cinema as Art by Debrix and Stephenson, greatly eye opening in education of film. Book remains as most favored of any film books owned. Impactful in very first film classes. Having read book prior to semester, greatly substantiated further understandings in aesthetics of film as artform. Made first short film as video. Served not only as assignment but as psychological catharsis to childhood trauma and fear of Lewis Carvalho coming for me and stepping out from shadow if I were to have slept alone... Due to self education prior to college, the theoretical and the critical aspects to film education were worked out years before. The technical were read about but not implemented in experience as the theoretical had been. But the technical side of film making were greatly studied prior to college. Primarily the editing aspect to film making were emphasized in practice while in senior year A/V club. Read of film direction but knowledge learned from reading were not reinforced in practice on film cameras but although on video until second university attended. Weak on the photpgraphic aspect to film making once entering first production because I wanted to be in the sixth grade extracurricular class after school on photography... Fascinated by antique camera's in display case and nature photography... But didn't because teacher kicked my desk... course at Hofstra University was weak on technical... That's where I met Sybil DelGaudio again... First time since Spain in 1985... First day of classes she asks us of our first movie going experience... I mentioned Laurel And Hardy... Just because... She turns to class and I could turns to the side and I recognized her voice from Spain in 1985... She says... We can't all make movies like Stanley Kubrick... I have a thought or delusion that she was my mother... Short film Creative Genesis: How Art Beget Wife planned for class. Not followed through to its completion due to complete loss of interest in continuing school because if what happened to Max Kolb and heart break over Rachel Ann Simon and Laura Fu... And later on Arlene Elkins.. Did not work within limitations. Was incapable of communicating with women I am sexually attracted to due to childhood stigma put into place through sexual molestations. Loss of interest and motivation in continuing took root very early on. Short film never completed but revised. Left school with Incomplete in class but intend to resolve. After leaving school, was suicidal... Have a rejuvenation of interest and if life on Saturday January 16 2002... In watching half hour making of Predator followed by Predator on AMC that night. Arrive at Hofstra the night of January 17 2002... My father's birthday and when A Beautiful Mind won the Golden globe. Turn to self education once again. Read more film books in such a small frame of time in 2002 than anytime before or since. Intend to resolve incomplete. Turn to playing a game with a Stalker named xfilmpunkx... Suspected him of something when mentioned movie Sweet Smell of Success because Brandon Zolads logged messages in chat rooms and instant messages... Mention cryptic coded speak on Mervyn Leroy's They Won't Forget... Then mention Lynch and as in David after mentioning Lynching of innocent man in Leroy's film... Weeks later mention and quote Wild At Heart... Sailor turns to his son... " remember what poncho said to the Sisco Kid before leaving town... Let's leave here before we end up at the end of a rope with no music playing." Mention reservoir Dogs and the scene with him talking to himself in a mirror in quoting Beretta... Fool for Love is the Country Song on the soundtrack.. He goes back for a last gesture of getting a wedding band from a previous marriage as if he wasn't expecting to return as a symbolic gesture of loyalty to a woman... Mention the film The Offence by Sidney Lumet... About a police interrogation with Sean Connery.. Stalker online my first semester at Hofstra mentions being from The Hempstead Hofstra area but going to school at Temple University... The school I was advertised going to at my graduation paper. Some stalker online turns to me and refers me to the Citizen Kane AFI page and says their favorite director was Robert Wise... The editor on Kane... The kid was Jewish... Kept wanting me to call him racial anti genetic stereotypical names... I wouldn't... He called me Taco Boy... I hated that guy... I before going to Hofstra went to temple University but felt unsafe there... Wasn't mugged like Matt Stechel said... Gave five dollars willingly to a con artist... But all that time I intuitively thought not to stay... Went to Hofstra instead... Diane Castro indirectly suggested through my mutual guidance counselor that I should go to Hofstra University because the campus was beautiful... On my way to Hofstra... To visit campus hear Staitwsy To Heaven for the first time on KROCK... Felt safe there but felt better at Greenwich Village... Watching people play chess and the bohemian atmosphere seemed fitting. Loved the unispan at Hofstra but went to school there because Francis Ford Coppola went there and to be closer to NYU... Taco Boy tip off of Nancy the first girl I talked to online as RAntFDR... Ricardo Antunes Film DirectoR... Or FDR the President... Talked to Nance about Citzen Kane... Said I was looking for the missing jigsaw puzzle pieces in life... She said that was a good metaphor... Then she says.. Wow... Where did you get that from.. Citizen Kane... Talked obsessively to her about movies every night... She wanted to be a Renaissance woman... A screenwriter an editor a nurse and a mother... We had an argument about raising kids... I called her a C-nt word but regret it... Heard that from Howard Stern... Got angry.. Regret.. Had so much in common with Nance... Talked obsessively about Star Wars and was collecting pictures for a screensaver of that and H.R. Giger work on Alien... We never talked again... Then weeks later one of her computer hacking friends puts a virus on my computer... A Trojan on a website... She talks to me again and mentions me living in a three story Taco House... Followed to Hofstra... Met Nance online in the New York chat room... My sister met her fiance Jason that night... She was PBAfrica... Or Paula Born in Africa... In the New York chat room... Ronald Jason Fergusen's adopted father was in the CIA... Online i met some " stranger" on ICQ asking to send me my AOL member profile... I didn't know how to...on the profile I had quoted Pinocchio " When you wish upon a star." 4 or 5 Kubrick quotes.... And a quote from RAN " In a mad world only the mad are sane." In 11th grade English class the teacher spoke cryptically about coming back to high school reunion with a trophy wife on my arms to show what a success I had become... She was looking sideways glance into my eyes as she said it... Made an anti war project montage of five films... All Quiet on The Western Front and Patton and Saving Private Ryan and Apocalypse Now and Full Metal Jacket... Unfortunately didn't get college credit for an essay in AP History because I quoted Dr. Strangelove... Race a religion and Creed and I could have gotten college credit for it but that was a joke of redundancy in Dr. Strangelove... All throughout Chemistry class I spoke loudly for movies for Diane Castro to watch... Dias and Dubosh would do all the work and I would be talking indirectly and loudly to Diane Castro... First day of classes Junior year... Diane's two confidants in my study hall... Talked indirectly to me about Diane Castro... I sabotaged myself later that day in Pre Calculas class... Nick Barron sat behind me... I followed my 'pid brother in law's advice to seat myself in a way to attract a girl's attention... Then after class I turn outside my left and I am morbidly depressed... I ducked up... She looks at me and gives me a big smile... I feel like shot... The next day in study hall I get shit from Patrick and the other girl who sat to my right and behind me... For an entire hour they said nothing but swears to me that class... I think I end up having a telepathic connection with women... See... When Diane Castro had sex with Nick Barron... I have this real sex dream... Of Diane Castro on top... And she's thinking of me... And then I wake up and think.. Did that really happen... It did... With Nick Barron... I tell online to Nick Fales... About having fallen in love with Diane Castro two weeks into our first term in the 9th grade... Nick Fales tells her... Then I see her stranded at the side of the road with fish net Stallings... Her father that I drew in the 7th grade... Was there outside my Ideal Gifts... She wanted a ride home... She points to me.. I look at her... She turns to her father... He nods his head no... And they walk all the way home to Greenwich St. The LONG WAY. In Senior year gym class we were in the back gym and me and her stared into each other's eyes for 10 minutes straight and didn't look away... I kept talking about Stanley Kubrick in Physics class... Lent Manny Gonzalves my Cinemax recording of A Clockwork Orange... Brought in Full Metal Jacket to class... In government class... Talked obsessively about movies in class to George Bastos... Kelly Ross's cousin who was best friend's with Diane Castro... Who I talked to indirectly all throughout government class that year... Every movie I mentioned she saw... I help 'pid Andy Duecet on a review of 2001 A Space Odyssey while Diane Castro was talking to Krystal Correia is and talking loudly and laughing in the cafeteria... The soundtrack to 2001 A Space Odyssey was my first CD I bought... Then John Lennon's Legends... I wrote the review contrasting Mission to Mars to 2001... The review was published but Mission To Mars was remade as that film Matt Damon did with Ridley Scott but Mission to Mars is better then they ripped off parts for Gravity... But 2001 A Space Odyssey was badly remade as a sentimental but great film Interstellar but not as good as 2001 A Space Odyssey... In government class I mention how I am going to see Eyes Wide Shut in Chicopee... Diane Castro is there... She turns to me I look back she 's in the concession line... She giggled... As I go see Eyes Wide Shut with Paula... But I can't stand Mia Cabana Snure for saying the film was pornographic when I have heard from John Dias she was in a seven person Orgy... One time Castro gets late for class and she turns to Karen... That movie was weird... And I mention how I cry at It's A Wonderful Life... And they have a viewing party... But neglect to invite me when it was my tape.. Then I see Diane Castro with Kelly Rosa... I panic at Macy's and duck into an aisle cause I see Diane Castro and she sees me and does her typical cutsy pie giggle... Junior year of high school study hall I would look at Diane Castro's red lace panties... And she stares at me from the corner of her eyes... And is turned on... Vs NBA was a Wadjdula knew I was two inches long flacid and mentions in class on Penis size... Her friend did tarot card reading... Diane laughs at me in a painful moment... When I was reading a comic book and Vanessa turns to me and says... Do you like comic books... Answer: I out grew them... The comic books got small its the pictures (as in comic book movies) that got bigger. They did. She laughs at me... It hurt... Junior. Year I tell someone about loving Duane Castro... Alicia Fidalgo said Diane was a lesbian for rejecting a guy with a 13 inch penis... Its 4 to 5... Used to be curved upward at 6 but I masturbated all wrong in high school.. I don't masturbate anymore... So I tell George Bastos one time... To see The greatest Show on Earth... Spielberg's big movie he saw in theaters... Next day I tell George about the car to train wreck in class... I look to Diane... She's eavesdropping on me... I say that... She cackles in class... I turn to Matt Leole who I obsessively talked about movies from my entertainment weekly book... Then... Around Diane Castro's birthday.. I lend my bus recording of Oaths of Glory to George... She sees it... The next day in Connecticut I go into the woods and do nature photography with my camera... As a symbolic gesture of A Seperate Peace... Then I come back and talk to Matt Leole some more and keep making eye contact with Diane Castro... And talking to Matt Leole as if looking at her to appear I was talking about her... I was talking about movies... Mentioned Grease the musical then mentioned it online on Moviehead... Then after Diane Castro shows up outside my apartment in 2002... I get suspicious... She's with some dude... Dude says I am a liar so I go into game mode online with xfilmpunkx... I start making allusions mentioned to Matt Leole to trump the guy she was with that accused me of being a liar... I mentioned my molester... And The Offence us a police interrogation where Sean Connery beats to death a molester... I forgave mine.. Not the point... I then mention one night about director Sam Fuller... The next night xfilmpunkx slips up and says... Whose same Fuller... I mention how I was suicidal and had ideation... Jack Madera calls the apartment... Asking telling questions... I knew it... There's a connection with online stalkers to Ludlow... Sam Fuller slip up night... I go into game mode and mention Ferris Bueller and The Freshmen but the Freshmen is at... NYU... And he's a film major... Good times... I quote Wild At Heart and urge xfilmpunkx to see it... Everything I spoke of then was alluded to then and I was sleep deprived and malnutritioned... Then I was talking to Cesre and I suspected her too... Hear them saying banging outside on some car and laughing... I tell Cesre... Spoke if xfilmpunkx... Mentions Blow Put to xfilmpunkx.. Aestheic of fire works makes it into a Five For Five Fighting video and Audioskave's Cochise... I improvised the storyboards of my Sco004 class a half hour before class... The cut has for class has no music... Wild at Heart connection... Became definitive cut MindScreen Manifestations... Night at Hofstra my homophobic football player... Well that night I was in the room alone... And I got this surge of fear come through me... Divine intervention... Most likely... And did something I never did before... I locked the door to my room.. And at four o'clock in the morning... The black football player tried breaking down my door and threatened me... Most scared I ever been in my life... All the fraternity was in the common room... Including Sean.... Who slipped up and said he loved Guns N Roses and when I met him at UNO I spent the night with him and told him of Max Kolb's murder and he was horrified... At UNO I do MindScreen Manifestations... But do a director's cut later on... I mention Wild Strawberries and she turns outside my door and says the magic words... He's a hero... He's a hero. She's going to be with him forever... Then so get up and lay on the coach... And she says... I love you I love you I love you... Its what I wanted to hear... See... Vh1 went all weird and caused my bakeract and breakdown but I was experimenting prior to Sunday March 10 2002 with orange scented hand lotion and my liver failed on March 10 to March 11 2002 and died... And also mentioned Akira Kurosawa's High And Low... Where it starts off as two halves.. Where the kidnapping of the son is where the father is the central protagonist and the second half is a collective protagonist of the police department... And becomes a police procedural... And in the end... The father confronts the kidnapper randomer in Prison... But I met Sean at University of New Orleans and he is fake in terms of mentioning Predator... Napoleon (1927) ... Best picture poster... Dude was bullshit... He let it slip up that his fave band was GNR.. Like he had in the common room... And Sean was the fall guy at Hofstra... And Evan was getting free bowls of weed for information on me... My molester's brother Victor Carvalho was in a Gang selling drugs... He also raped my sister Ana of her virginity... But the smell of the rotting body in the trunk in Estabrook hall parking Lot... Lingers upon the olfactory sense of memory... So I signed up to live in Estabrook Hall... On the 11th floor... My paper on Resr Window and Blow Up about the forefronting of the apparatus and the evolution of the photographer as artist... And it was my DVD of Rear Window at Popcorn Flick... The Thursday before the Sunday he was murdered... But Ian Christopher Powell was talking to someone pretending to be Britney Spears... And Ian was Overly talkative to... The killer... I told him he wasn't talking to 'pid Britney Spears... That Evan was getting free drugs from someone... And the original film for AVF27 was on Floyd The Barber about a small town full of serial killers... I hated Ludlow Massachusetts... Le Corbeau... Poison pen letters to use to blackmail... Its A suspense film and that paper on Rear Window and Blow Up went onto the 11th page...11th floor of Estabrook hall... I was born of February 11... Sherlock's on February 11 1963 questioned Stanley Kubrick on the line about the President has been struck down in his prime...19 years to the day I was born....19 years later on my birthday... I meet Rachel Simon on her first day's work at the Play house theater... She had really tight slacks... And it was Sunday... My 19th birthday... And my film MindScreen Manifestations is of the cave allegory... About how limited our perceptions of reality is but my perceptions are not impaired... How its illusory because of our limitations of perception... And in perceiving they have been recording me since I made a crass " joke" I faked laughed at alluding to Texas Chainsaw Massacre and Hook Sean Sullivan's favorite Spielberg film... And Stranger Things is about me where I am 11 and Ready Player One which is based on my poem God Define... Originally titled Dig Powered God One... Which the murder of Max Kolb is tied to Mickey aantunes.. The death of my 9 year old yellow Labrador retriever... And then they followed me online and after I.posted online on Mucky R.I.P. July 2nd 1991 to July 31 2000...and the screen name Judasuntied said... Sorry about your dog.... And then another guy from Springfield... Said Diane Castro likes S and M... And I didn't know what sadomasochism was... Never heard it... And then I go to Hofstra to be closer to Diane Castro... And then she follows me there after Susan a foster called Tila Castro for me to talk to her... But then she shows up on campus and with dilyed blonde long hair... And she goes... Oh my God... He doesn't recognize me but I did... And as so passed by her at Netherlands North so mention Quick Change... The Bill Murray comedy... And the person following me online was connected to Andy Duecet in some capacity... And when I hated talking to him online... In January 2001... I told them off and they said they he and his friends were going to take a trip as in to Hofstra... And they spread vicious Or Forbes rumors about me... Which led to... Murder... On February 9 2001 was the day I was celebrated my birthday by watching Take The Money And Run the Woody Allen comedy and I had it out with Evan and I wanted him to understand me and I says that I was sexually molested... Evan turns to me and says that explains much... And so Evan and me had issues cause he wanted to have sex with his girl... And I was there celebrating my birthday... Awww... And Evan started calling me Ricky... Because Ana called me to wish me a happy birthday... And I celebrated my birthday by staring at Rachel Simon's was. Now when did I first notice Rachel Simon... Its complicated... I fell for her sister Erica the first Tuesday in September at Hofstra and I was wearing my four Calvin Klein shirt... As in Back at The Future... Ready Player One... But then after wishing to be the second coming of Christ again in 2000... Alicia Onyrne her Granny put the moves on me by having Nicole say to me.. That she was ageless... But I was into her my first day of classes because I love women with accents... She's Irish... And but Erica put the moves on me first... By having Debbie bRoth say in Alicia Obyrne's Philosophy Class that Erica wanted to have sex with me... Then when we were to ring the play house attic I looked all googly eyed at Erica... And I looked all googly eyed at her the first Tuesday in September... But Rachel Simon noticed me for the first time over a story on Queso Con Carne for Matt Stechel's SCO class... And we were laughing our asses off in the library making too much more and she kept coming over to us asking us to quiet down but we did#t and then I saw her in Fadia's anime club.. And when she looked back and saw me she hid her face... And left by slumping down in her chair prior to leaving... And I saw her twin sister first... Who was into me too... For some strange reason.. And so I met Avi and me and him traveled to Albany by car and listened to Alice In Chains Live! And Guns N Roses Appetite for Destruction... And in Albany I met Avi's girl who loved Hitchcock's Rebecca... And she tried to teach me the baseline to shell's like teen spirit left handed... And because of fake guy from a temple University that was supposedly from Hempstead did the inception on the Sidney Lumet book I bought in Albany with Abu and I bought him a 60 dollar box set from hot topic of his favorite goth music...10 CD box set... And also... Citizen Kane... Prior to moving into Demerol's place I met Erica's boyfriend Andre... Who lied like a mother Tucker cause I had pleasured myself under the covers in 2000 to this girl and Roland the mulatto football player... To t he sound if oral sex... But I was kind of Pervy then.. And on their date they rented Neil Jordan's In Dreams... Which I love by the way... And I then went to live with the druggies... Matt Demerol... Eric and some redheaded guy... And the first night there they offered me acid... I said no... And then I met Matt Demerol... And Matt Demerol loved Chris Cooper from American Beauty... A film the closeted gay football player that formed with Ian Christopher Powell... Who had formed with... Matt Demerol... And when Mattt Demerol saw me with Ian... He told me a story of Ian masturbating spread eagled on the floor to... Britney Spears on his desktop screensaver... And so... So I was in the Den of druggies... But don't drink or do drugs... But they all do in Conoal Square... And Max Kolb was similar to me... We hated Colonial Square our Freshmen year and went to Estabrook Hall sophomore year... And the Maltese porno allusion to the Maltese Falcon is a tell... Since I first attended Popcorn Flick to see E.T. but it was an old advert so we watched tHe Maltese Falcon instead... So the homosexual blonde football player loved Chris Cooper way too much in American Beauty... And what is telling is Frenchy Jeff Hartwick who I met at UNO as English Jeff but he was Frenchy Jeff at Hofstra.... And the telling was... In April 20 2004... Sean lied like a mother Tucker and said they had put a tab of acid in my sealed Heinekin bottle of warm poo beer... Bacteria poo but they took my blood at the Harbor but there was no acid in my system... But someone slipped Max Kolb a Mickey... They put a tab of acid in his beer but I worked with ahaetwick's father in the periodicals section of the library... So... Frenchy Jeff failed out his sophomore year at Hofstra because he shot a nude film in the basement of the student center for marisa at SCO004... And was kicked out of school... And so I met Frenchy Jeff speaking French into the homosexual football player that dormed with... Ian Christopher Powell who I like to call ICP or insane clown posse... Who that homosexual football player put the moves on him... And someone followed me to Demerol's room... A girl that left tie dyed thong cotton panties in my laundry basket... Of which i kept and masturbated with for a year... Which Demerol thought I wore women's panties... Only once but didn't like it... My balls were hanging lose... And I never seen a woman naked up close except looking out of my dormitory at a girl that came out topless from the shower from across an not covered window and that was like 50 feet away... In another building... So I will call her Miss torso and I Jeff Jeffries of Rear window fame... And so it was my DVD of Rear Window on that week in March after the scheduled High Noon Night... That became a the Wizard Night but the week before ai wish I could have met Max Kolb bylut steve tsepelus wouldn't introduce me... And they suspected me cause ironically max was there when Bry Amyot mentioned bad movie night and zI said it was bloody bio ok ent because its set in the United Kingdom and bloody means very or much as a British colloquialism... And so... High Noon Night is when Evan found out about popcorn flick... And I heard Evan that semester saying on the phone about the guy with the free bowls of marijuana... And so MindScreen Manifestations was intuition... Psychical prediction... And Matt Stechel was Hi sexual for me but I got no Gaydar... But he's straight... I think its just that we were always together and Stechel and me were Bosom Buddies... Then... So I shot in his house MindScreen Manifestations but suspected Evan because he was missing his Jersey devil's hat... So ai cast him as the killer in my film MindScreen Manifestations if the shadow on the wall... And Evan reminded me kind if Lewis Carvalho with glasses.. But he lost his hat... And so... I shot the shot if the show on the wall... Because... That was improvised... And I suspected Evan because he smiled awkwardly when he told me of the news that they found Max Kolb murdered... And the next day he left without turning in his key and in his haste took my arT modulator... But had to pay a fine if 500 dollars for not leaving his key with the resident assistant... But they assumed my identity because all my legal sports.. Birth certificate... Passport... Were all left in a poach at Hofstra that was mailed to me in Ludlow... But I got the shot of the Plato Socrates Statue with Matt Stechel on Monday of finals week.. Shot the film over the weekend in Stechel" s home... Saw Lock Stock and Two Smoking Barrells and Buffalo Bill And The Indians Or Sitting Bull's Last History Lesson. Where Sitting Bull Haunts Buffalo a Bill and lectures him in the end... And so.. I spent the entire day from 9 in the morning on Final's week Wednesday... To 5: 30 PM a half hour before my final for Italian Cinema... And saw Scott there st the Deli I frequented and he didn't seem broken up about that at all... And Flashback to the talk of Eyes Wide Shut night where I brought my In Utero CD of Nirvana and Bry and Steve was talking theme parks which I couldn't care less then because I was too serious? Apparently... Then But points out to me that Kurt Cobain thanked Quentin Tarantino in the thank you notes in the album insert but I didn't know why... Then when he mentioned that I started checking out Laura's body and she started freaking out... And she asked Adam before she left to invite me to her birthday poo party indirectly but I didn't go to her birthday March 18 because Adam was jealous and didn't invite me... And you only go when you are invited... And as Laura walked out of the student center she looked back to see if I was looking and I was... And she walked out... And Max went to her birthday and the week of Rear Window Week... It was advertised on the marquee and I cried at the end of the movie but earlier that day am sure and Rachel were angry because 2 days prior I masturbated to a Tera Patrick porno of her as a nurse... She reminded me of the stature of Rachel... The face of Laura but the build of Arlene Elkins so I masturbated in 2001... A Lot apparently... And I said that Tuesday or Monday... At the point of climax... I love Rachel Simon and I love Laura Fu... And then Rear Window happened... It was a Thursday.. And Stechel for some reason didn't come... And so I went.. Alone and I was wearing my comfort gray sweater jacket because I was nervous... And when I got across Aliamce... Laura and Rachel pile out of s small car and Laura was on Max Kolb" s lap... And they pile out... And both Laura and Rachel both cat call me but so ignored them... And kept walking and so I saw Max f o r the 2nd time but with Max... Correction at Rear Window NIGHT THAT WAS THE THIRD TIME I SAW HIM BECAUSE THE PREVIOUS week was Wizard night and that was the only time I heard his voice... Quoting the movie... And it was supposed to be High Noon night but Steve was a sick and me and Matt spent two hours looking for a movie he had no intentions on seeing also there was American Movie: The Making of Northwestern... And so we never got to see that then but on Recital night I wanted to go see Laura perform but Steve and Brian didn't want to and I didn't want to go alone... And when I suggested that Bry nudges Steve and says... We all know why you want to go there... Implying Laura... And so we parted ways and when we did... I only found out recently about Laura and Max and their last dance To some Grease song... And I didn't hate Grease... Just I didn't want to spend the time watching NBA g it with that class I hated bit I like Matt Leole a lot and wanted to talk movies and myself because Diana Maria Castro could ask him questions about me... And so... She did and at Graduation of 2000 after I strategically had her watch Paths of Glory on her birthday... Approximately.. And at graduation Diane Castro gives a sincere address to me in front of every girl in school that the reason why she didn't get together with me in high school and her regret was in being open minded to get to know certain people as she looked me in the eyes and when Lindsey Calkind gets on stage... And she sees me and I an looking at her the entire time... And when Calkind gets on stage... Duane looks to Lindsey and then back at me to see me looking at some other girl I was looking at Diane Castro the entire time... I couldn't keep my eyes off her... And so I went to Hofstra so there is my loopy journey back to the game of 2002 online game with me and xfilmpunkx and so... Xfilmpunkx was 'pid... Way 'pid... And I played her and then Duane Castro followed me to A.I. Artificial Intelligence night and her cousin asked who is Stanley Kubrick... And then Diane laughed and I didn't enjoy the movie as much because of Stechel didn't understand the biblical allusion that David was like Abel and the brother Cain and then with the thing with the pool was like.a symbolic baptism killing... Where although he wasn't drowned he was born again to a degree but because if that transgression the brother symbolically killed David the A.I. hoped of love with his mother... And Matt Stechel was gay for me... And Matt had formed with Avi during orientation weekend and Matt cried when I yelled at him... Because all I wanted him to do was shower and use his own stuff... And he violated our agreement... And then sought friendship elsewhere... And that was the betrayal that derailed my life and a 17 year Odyssey... And I went into Game mode with the tell of Sweet Smell of Success... Which isn't sweet because Lancaster loses his sister and Tony Curtis gets the shut beaten out of him and left for dead or almost dead on the streets of New York City... And at UNO I found another Eden then they all stalked me there... And ruined my life... But prior... Everything went to shit on Laura Fu's birthday of 2002 when the tv made me have a breakdown and 16 years of mental crucifixion like the Audioslave song about Show Me How To Live... All music has been. In some ways about me since 2002 or prior... And I suspected Sean Chick because he said I was fake humble when in fact I wasn't I just like sleeping in recliners because the one my father had was the same color and make of ours. So it was creature comfort... And we saw the Doors and me and him listened to much classic rock as nd watched good movies and I missed Kev and Seany because they were my closest friends at UNO until Hofstra came to New Orleans and ruined my life again... Everything was great... I didn't miss a day of classes... I got straight A's until... April 17 2004 when they used silent sounds on me and jump cuts in the image during the top 20 videocountdown because it wasn't Mia Mia it wasn't Rachel Perry... Simon slept with all my friends... And even had a kid by Sean Michael Sullivan... And Laura slept with Celebrities... And had a kid by a backstreet boy... And they even used silent sounds and jump cuts during Divas Law Vegas.. A nd then Hollywood used me to take on Bush and the government kept using me until it was the right time to save the world. I am a Welles and a Kubrick... Welles on mymlthers side and a Kubrick because after Hollywood destroyed my mind in March 18 2002... A Beautiful Mind... And A Beautiful Mind won the Oscar the night of the 24th... Sunday... And they released me on the Monday the 25th... Billy Wilder died at 95 the 27th and the 28th I sent in my London Film School application and when my father heard what I wrote in the application... That Eyes wide Shut was my favorite film... And he broke out of character and was by beaming with pride... And in 2006 my father... When I told him he looked like Stanley Kubrick... He had a slight smirk and called me Old Man... But I was 40 years his junior... How... And Katrina happened because God in the Tora was a vengeful God but I am what John Kerry said to be a good God... Version 2.0 because and it was Ashton Kutchers fault my life was ruined in 2004... And Green Day has been making fun of since 2002 night of March 18th... I hate Green Day they are envious as in what? Dookie greatest album show... High And Low art... Its okay to be gay... Um no its not... And I don't do code but everything is interwoven... Because in 2006 I was 24.. And I said time was elliptical that everything repeats itself and Edison was born 155 years before I was And Edison... Advanced technology like DaVinci advanced art and pioneered everything... And so Jesus was a scientific and artistic mind... And Jesus wasn't born in December 24th because that was a pagan holiday much like Halloween was... I was born February 11 and I am sending out gifts on my birthday for the woman i love... But better yet... She has to travel to me... And help me win my dreams like Ready Player One... Because I was wanting a Supergirl to save me back because one day she'll be a woman.. Soon... While everyone else failed... And my father... Well he led a sad end.. While I was last happy in 2003... But everything went to shit with Mia Cabana because I was supposed to be happy in 2004 and get my own studio space because I am a Kubrick and Welles. I know my father was a Kubrick... And I was conceived on May 28th 1981... That is 82 days prior is February 11... And 24 days later is March 7th... And in 1999... Kubrick died in 1999... And in dying...7 months 2 days after May 28th is February 11 1982... That if you count backwards from my birthday. I calculated on paper in the hospital... And Kubrick faked the Apollo 11 mission at Elstree his studio space... Which is now merged with Shepperton.. And the subliminal numerology is 12 21 42 in the Shining... And 1/22/1992 is when Hal 9000 came online And when Kurt Cobain first overdosed... Was that Sunday... And 1/22/1994 was when I went schizo... But I registered for school in 1/19...1994 and I graduated number 19 of my class in 2000... And 19 years prior to my birth was February 11 1963... The day Sherlock inquired of Kennedy because Kennedy murdered Marilyn Monroe... And he almost ended the World with the Bay of Pigs invasion inadvertantly.. Which led to the Cuban Missile Crisis and Kennedy established his wealth on Bootlegging... A serious offence so a President who does that is no good of a President because alcohol to excess is a date rape drug... It ruins lives... Look at Max Kolb... The SLIPPING OF THE MICKEY or acid... It leads to unwanted pregnancy... And led to the establishment of the mob... And Capone... And Kennedy was bad... And so was Johnson... And all Presidents except FDR and prior well the best Presidents were George Washington because of who was his advisors... Lincoln who freed the slaves... Teddy Roosevelt... But the stock market is organized gambling and has ruined so many lives... Which led to suicide... The Stock market is a Ponzi ponzi scam... It leaves people destitute and Woodrow Wilson... Franklin D. Roosevelt except for the establishment of the FCC and Hayes Code and MPAA... The Hayes code ruined everything because it was too restrictive... But Roosevelt saved the world economy and along with Churchill saved the world... Kubrick started his career on a picture on the day of his death of President Franklin Delenoor Roosevelt... Trump is like doing what FDR was... Saving the world economy... And if Stanley Kubrick hadn't faked the Apollo 11 moon landing by beating the Russians to the moon then Russia would have had the means to be the world number 1 economic power becoming power enough to end the world during the Cold War which would have been the end of the World... or end of times And have the resources to nuke America by becoming the number 1 world economic power... is now China and China covertly took over the World in the 80's by having all the men of the fortune 500 companies outsource their companies to China for cheap slave labor... Of which because of me... We can take control back from China by the technology I pioneered and bring back the fortune 500 companies back from China because I want to bring democracy everywhere... And freedoms to people of impoverished nations and raising the standard of living for every nation of the world by bringing up the life expectancies ever And let there be Peace... Because I need to be a film director... Again Greater confidence in knowledge of the technical sides of film making due to empowerment from knowledge acquired. Endows with as much technical knowledge as possible while attending University of New Orleans. In theory: the more knowledge known, the more respect garnered on film set. Retook equivalent introductory film production class at UNO. Excelled in class. Idea of intentional Fallacy runs counter to the theoretical emphasized at Hofstra. Meaning what is interpreted, may or may not be the original intent of the filmmaker. Runs counter to original teachings. Offers second insight on film. Doesn't deter the theoretical deconstruction of aesthetic elements in want to get into the mindset of a filmmaker. Director in self education of films of another is questioned whether conclusions made are elaborate pretensions. Second college emphasizes the technical and not the theoretical. Greatly fills in the gaps of knowledge once lacking at first university. Praised and excelled in classes. Early practice in editing reflect head professor's stance through proficiency in editing, trains one to be a better director by developing the skill on envisioning what needed to shoot before hand. Decades into pursuit of knowledge. Resultant accumulative of three and a half years of 111 college credits. Wanting to continue and to study on my own because you are your own best teacher. Trying to fulfill an ineliable and inevitable, Dream to be a filmmaker. Once finished, benchmark of accomplishment attained from acquired experience. Sense of achievement resides in us all. Resolution sets in. Next chapter started in evolution of artist as filmmaker. I need love... I need liberty... I need eternal life. Oh and don't masturbate... I am in a committed relationship... So I haven't masturbated since March 11 2018 and never will again... And Mike Pence drove out Paul Ryan and Mike Pence also was paid by the Steinbrenner's in stock in the stock exchange so that the Steinbrenner's would retain control over the world... Because they bribed him with stock that would accrue billions in order to cover up for their crimes... Like the murder of my father Custodio Jose Antunes... Where he was youthanized and Pence said it was out of mercy... There is no mercy in murder... Diane Kolb wanted to remain a free woman because on May 26 2012 the last thing I told my father was... Don't worry everything is going to be alright... Barack Obama is going to show up... And my father looked dumb founded and at 11: 30 pm... Barack Obama phones it in with... I DON'T CARE... and Barack Obama stole my copyright case for 5 million dollars... Stole my house in Hawaii... Sold my copyright again to George Clooney for 12 million dollars... And stole my penthouse suite in NYC.... Sold my copyright to Weinstein and his daughter got an internship with his company... And Hillary Clinton was trying to do a coup Dr tat by lowering stock in my company to penny stock to get a majority rule in stock... She has been out to kill me since she lost the primaries of 2008... She has been using Sylvia Brown and zyuru Gellar to read my mind to the public in real-time... And Diane Kolb said that if my screenplay is too good that they would steal from me.... P.S. Hillary Clinton killed that guy from White Water... She used psychics to read my mind to get me to commit suicide. Didn't work still going strong... Since I said I would kill myself I I had all my movies stolen... Ha.. Don't care... Boo ya... Still alive... Gonna get all my movies back... Direct them all... Don't care... Its God's will to follow his dreams... And in dream... Dream On! ! ! ! Always follow your dreams cause dreams are worth fighting for and I wished to be the best... Savior I can be... Never sold my soul.. The devil bitch incarnate Lillith did... The first cast off into hell... I had a dream where I liberated everyone in he'll and now they are in heaven.. And that's why the Advil botch Satanus Lillith is losing ground on Earth... I had a dream in 2006 where I took on the devil himself and killed his was by the help of a holy man... A priest that blessed torrential rainfall as holy water... Weakening the Grim Spectre and I beat him... Its my movie Secret Destroyers... From Bullet With Butterfly Wings and Lillith was the first vampire and vampire mythos stems from the Tora and Lillith. And sex is not a sin... The original sin was always murder... And the first murder... Was not Abel but the favored son of God... The son of Lillith and Adam who was forgotten because when Adam and Eve was cast out if Eden... Original sin was incest between Adam and his daughter Eve... Because the first hominids were hermaphodites... And this time the favored son will not be forgotten or written out if existence. Because the greatest sin is murder. And I was the first to be cast into heaven... As Lillith was the first to be cast off into hell... And I am trying to make the entire world an Eden again... So boo yaa... God's only man... God's lonely man... God's protectorate. A Custodio... A Guardian Angel Protectorate... And Mia Cabana said my mother had to die like her mother and Mia Cabana said my father had to die like her mother... And Mia was Pacey1800... Who I told about the Anaesthsia might stop Custodio heart and to simulate him getting sicker... They got him hooked on Morphine... English Patient style... And to simulate him getting worse they had him on morphine constantly to simulate him not improving... But he was... But Custodio is dead and Tom Kolb is impersonating my father at the Vatican... My father was murdered... On Wednesday May 16 2012 my father was on the mend.... And.. And I have on tape the Milagre speech where my father was inadvertently cured of syphilis... After a lifetime of suffering from complications... And so Diane Kolb threatened to infect me with AIDs and Hep C... And that is second degree murder... And I have Steve Tsepelis laugh caught on tape during the Milagre speech or the Miracle Speech... Because Steve was being translated what the speech was and he laughed cause Steve is an atheist... And the 40 years of constant pain in his legs was a sign from God that he was going to pull through and he was but because I spoke to Pacey1800 about a Death of a Salesman... They coerced my father to sign the Hospice papers... On May 24th 2012... The anniversary my sister finalizing the purchase of this house.. May 24 2002... So they killed my father for a reality tv show... And he was youthanized on May 26 2012... With arsenic... Anaesthesia and or morphine to stop his heart... And he's dead... Died on May 27th 2012 at 1: 53AM at Bayonet Point hospital...1 day prior to my 31st anniversary of my being conceived on May 28th 1981... And they almost got away with the perfect murder if it weren't for the Asian nurse that said... That my father was fighting her off before she put the oxygen mask on his face... And Diane Kolb spoke over my watching my father die... And she is one bitchy spiteful woman... And the previous year... Steinbrenner tried to take me out with some Asian dude hitting my sister's electric car... So Tans nails could expand to 5776 54th Ave. N. Kenneth City Florida... My father was... Custodio Jose Antunes... Meaning Guardian Angel Keeper Protectorate Joseph of Antiquity Antunes means antique... Loosely translates to antiquity... Custodio in Hebrew is Protectorate and Custodio is a Latin name... Jose means Joseph... And I fell in love with Rachel Simon because she reminded me of Diane Keaton... And I saw A Fish Called Wanda... Dangerous Liasons and Reds after graduation... And cried for 20 minutes straight at the end of the film... Because... I wanted to have children... And talked cryptically about Diane Castro in terms of... Malkovich's speach after the duel as a message to Diane Castro... Its in the name And I fell in love with Diane Keaton because of... Annie Hall... And I was diagnosed with clinical depression when I am not depressed.. I am happy... Why... Was I misdiagnosed... Woody Allen movies... I thought therapy would make me make progress like Annie Hall... And I laughed until I cried... Its that funny and on April 18 Sunday... Annie Hall was on TCM and I fell for Diane Newton again... And the code of Rachel Rachel and Simon's The Goodbye Girl in 2004 on Moviehesd was to imply I would return to Rachel Ann Simon. Not pid Rachel Perry... So in conclusion... I gotta date And I cried at Gods And Monsters the biopic on director James Whale... Reknowned for Frankenstein... The Invisible Man... The Old Dark House... The Bride of Frankenstein... Show boat... A great director extraordinaire that made the first anti Nazi movie... Where it could have been a rallying cry to preventing the Holocaust...8 million lives salvaged if only the 'pid studios hadn't taken the film away from him... And tacked on an ending that didn't alienate the Nazi's which could have prevented much that to not alienate the big Germen market prolonged an isolationist stance... That allowed the Holocaust to happen https: // ref_=m_nm_knf_dr_t10 The Road Back...1937 And I cried over the sentiment in lament of not being able to make movies with friends in Gods And Monsters And Steven Spielberg... You are no God. You wanted to be a God.. You wanted to rule over the world through Barack Obama and then Hillary Clinton... I messaged you to save my father... You blocked me at DreamWorks... I messaged Bracj Obama to save my father... My father was cremated not entombed like the Vatican thought... My father was murdered...2 days after his wake... George Lucas sold Lucas film out of guilt... For 4.1 billion dollars... George Lucas I love... I want my father back of which he was harvested... He was murdered... I messaged Barack Obama and he appeared with Kyra Philips in quoting Exorcist III in me having told him online at the white house website that my father loved him... And I had fought for him in 2008... And that day... Or shortly thereafter my father comes d6own with C. Diff a virus contracted from Feces... St Trinity Rehab... And they gave the same excuse that the nurse didn't wear gloves at Trinity rehab and Tampa general hospital when he came down with a blood infection and they have to have dialysis near the heart and they put a dialysis tube in his neck... And they said he came down with a blood infection... When he was pulling through on May 16 2012... And he ironically was what... Forced and coerced to sign Hospice papers. After Diane asked him... What do you want and he said... I want to live! He basically said no to the hospice and Dr. Beherman coerced him to sign... And my father had been at life support at Mass General Hospital and he went through hell... And he was systematically killed for his organs... He was improving... And George Steinbrenner is still alive... How do I know this... Because the night before George died... Mia Cabana spoke as I spoke to Dave Stinson and... Mia Cabana's mother was still alive... Since Mia told Dave to tell me about... Her mother and I had no feelings whatsoever... And the next day.. I see George Steinbrenner on CNN. In Howard Hughes garb in a wheel chair at the airport... And Mia got a lot of stock when George died... Supposedly... And he went to Cuba with a trillion dollars... Then went to Russia... And in conclusion I want a Novel Peace Prize for saving the world... A Nobel Peace Prize like Steven Hawkings should have got... For theoretical pioneered in NASA type theoretical means to prolonging all life forever... I want a copyright and patents of all I put on Twitter and Instagram... I want to own my original movies again that Obama sold for 5 million to Disney and then again to Hollywood for 12 million dollars... I want my house in Hawaii he stole and the 10 million dollar penthouse suite he stole in NYC.. I want to be a double Nobel Peace prize winner... A humanitarian Oscar award winner... Copyright in the new 3D technology I hired Him Cameron for... I want copyright reform... So people can't steal from me ever again... I want to own all the copyrights online on my Twitter Infinithero4HE... a.midsummer.night.dream.oberon Instagram... A paths_of_glory_a_clockwork_God Instagram... I want a medal of honor... And as for Mike Pence... He wasn't copesetic or agreeable in accrediting me with anything because Diane Kolb killed my father... Because Waking Death Darkness After Dawn was about the night I was almost murdered at Hofstra... Because the whole fraternity was in my dorm room common room... And Sean was the fall guy... Not the only accomplice... Because Max Kolb was murdered in my place... And my sister didn't want me to go to campus police. Matt Demerol stole Sleepwalker from me... He is related in some capacity to Doug Gallagher... I messaged David Lloyd Jones to help save my father... After messaging Steven James Hank... Of which I got no reply back from him... Who is David Lloyd Jones related to... Why did Steven Tsepelis coerce my sister to sign paperwork and shouted out that I lost everything... When he was in my house... What was it that she signed... Who was Doug Gallagher... Why are they playing Corporate Games... Sleepwalker was originally about business assassinations.. Like the killings of people whose blood cuddled since they have known since Hofstra that my blood is not universal but O+... Like Michael Jackson... And the reacquisition of the Beatles catalogue... Or Disney getting back Pixar after Steve in hopes that he have one last ditch effort to be cured from cancer... Anyone like Steve Jobs who wanted to adopt Kubrick... Was killed... For stock to take over... And the stock market crashed in 2008 because they purposely lowered the stock so they could use 700 billion to buy up the stock market... So the Steinbrenner's took over the World. And who was Doug Gallagher... Why did corporate games come true... Why did they implement every means possible so to get me to commit suicide... I would prefer not to. Today is April 12.. 2018. Steve Tsepelis posed as a contractor to repair my roof... And coerced my sister to sign a confession to something she did not do... Just this past Monday... I am Savior. On Saturday, February 4,2017 at approximately 12 pm... my mother Dulce Santos Antunes and Paula Alexandria Antunes went to Best Buy to purchase a new television. We have the receipt of that purchase and the time registration date. Now that day, someone broke into my house, stone a copyright case worth 130 million dollars or more... which is a felony considering... they broke into my house when I was away. Barack Obama had stolen my copyright case years prior the year he " earned" 5 million dollars. See... little back story... Steven Spielberg had bribed Barack Obama with his house in Hawaii to garner political sway in the government which you can't bribe someone in order to do your bidding... politically. And Barack Obama wasn't originally from Hawaii. Trump knew that. Just see the Barack Obama info mercial channel. He said he was born in Hawaii but he never was. His house in Hawaii was supposed to be mine as far back as 2004 when they put a film festival there during the 2004 Presidential election. But in 2008, that house went to Barack Obama in order to go about as to win political sway in the government and Steven Spielberg gave Barack Obama that house in order to have sway and say over the government so that they could make Hollywood richer while keeping a relative in genealogy and ancestry to Stanley Kubrick and Orson Welles. And Steven Spielberg wanted to keep me a slave in the south so that Hollywood could misappropriate Vatican money to go about making them richer and richer while keeping me poor. Well it turns out... Barack Obama wanted to keep his 5 million dollars of a copyright case that he stole from me after I had submitted it to the copyright office on July 31st 2009. Of which... Steven Tsepelis at around the same time... of which Laura Fu was making money off me. Now I love James Cameron... and the aesthetic of the plotline or short story or outline... because they were outlines and treatments are actually short stories or novellas in prose form with sparse amount of dialogue... well my copyright case was submitted at the copyright office on July 31st 2009... and prior to then... Steven Tsepelis had actually hacked into my laptop I had then and lifted off my copyright case... now I have every draft and revision saved on disc with the exact day and time of which it was originally saved permanently on disc. Now the thing is is this... these people were out to rule or run Hollywood and making a sadistic reality show on my life accordingly by the likes of Ashton Kutcher... see Steven Tsepelis and Laura Fu had proposed to Hollywood about a reality tv show called Cursed. And accordingly they spread viscious rumors here in Tampa Bay to ruin my family. Now the thing is is this... I am no sell out... I am all about the glory and legacy of wanting to work. But Steven Spielberg didn't want to let Stanley Kubrick and Orson Welles' relative into Hollywood until I finished school. But the reason Why I couldn't finish school was because I have abandonment issues when I go to school. See the first time I went to Kindgertten my parents neglected to inform me what school was... and I cried constantly for 3 straight days and that's why I developed strong abandonment issues in 1987 because I was too traumatized by having been abandoned in school when I prefer to be home schooled. and so... I also was afraid of going to school on account of what had become to Max Kolb. Of which you could read a full account of my life here... https: // … and the thing is also... when I went off to college... what had happened to Max Kolb at Hofstra University had traumatized me greatly because it burst my bubble that there was such evil in the world. Before I was very insulated and sheltered. but in Ludlow, Massachusetts, someone murdered my dog Micky because they were jeoulous that I had loved someone more than her. Its on poem hunter. The account is there on my aol... and the thing is... I was traumatized by my time at Hofstra by what had become of Max Kolb. To the point that I had to leave... because if I had let on to knowing more than I had... I may have been killed myself. A Detailed account is on my poemhunter profile... well... also... but the thing is... people were trying to pin me on the murder of Max Kolb when I was in no way involved. It turns out it was Steve Tsepelis student film in AVF10 that went horribly wrong. He after Rear Window night had wanted to do a parody of Eyes Wide Shut with Max Kolb... where he would get laid... and apparently... the shoot went wrong. I don't know exactly. But my life was ruined when I went to Hofstra... I'm not sure. They were doing a film school film at Hofstra University for Steven Tsepelis... Laura Fu's birthday was March 18 2002... and the Popcorn Flick film of Rear Window was I think shown in theater on Thursday March 22,2001. and two days later on the night of March 24,2001, Laura Fu asked Max Kolb out... So On Sunday March 25,2001... Steven Tsepelis was shooting a film schoot in trying to get Max Kolb laid. and that's when the film school went wrong. See Steven Tsepelis was in the same AVF27 class as Max Kolb... and that's how they became acquainted and so Steven Tsepelis had staged the film schoot at a hotel as a parody of Eyes Wide Shut crossed with a strobe light to mimic the surrealist use of strobe light in Lost Highway. And everyone was on acid to get into character of a surrealist atmosphere... but drugs are wrong. And what happened is that someone put acid into Max Kolb's beer. It was part of the storyline... and Max Kolb was handcuffed as he got oral sex... and so... but the thing is... it was Rachel Simon's handcuffs that they used on him... but later staged it as if it was tape... to pin it on Sean Alexander who was at the film schoot. And what happened is that Max Kolb was nicked on the abdomen... and died of Septic shock... he died of Septic shock because someone threw a knife and it his him... it wasn't a serious wound... but it had punctured his lower intestine or intestine in general... but to the police... they went on with the shoot... but they have footage of this shoot locked away in a vault and they also Laura Fu was in charge of the film shoot... and Sean Alexander was apart of the shoot... and at knife point they had forced Sean Alexander to posthumously rape Max Kolb in the butt after Max had died of Septic shock... they pinned the crime on Sean Alexander... and it was an unusually warm spring that year... way too warm... and Max Kolb was sweltering away at first the trunk of a car at the end of estabrook hall parking lot... closest to the tree closest to Alliance Hall and the Hall that Laura Fu dormed in... an all girl's dorm room... and the car and make was Laura Fu's in which the corpse of Max Kolb was in. March 28th,2001 I was going to my English 2 class... and everyone there that morning was complaining about the smell in Estabrook. it was by the tree at the end of the parking lot next to where Laura Fu parked her car closest in her dorm building. The one parallel to Alliance Hall. But then they decided to pin Kolb's death on Sean Alexander. see Sean at knife point was forced to rape Max Kolb after he had died. And there was Scott Ryan O'Byrne Steinbrenner's semen in Max Kolb's butt as well... because Scott had sex with Max in the butt... but Max wasn't gay... but Laura Fu had implied such on Wednesday May 16 2001 live on the aire... when I had heard of Max Kolb's death... my heart had gone out to Laura but I was suspicious very... since that night on Wednesday of Final's week... I had written a paper on Rear Window and Blow Up... Rear Window is about an actual murder while Blow Up is about something that was imagined... see... Kurt Cobain faked his death... Max Kolb's death was actual. see... they framed the murder on Sean Alexander... but I don't know if the mixed semen in Max was also Scott's... Scott was bisexual I think... and did Max in the butt... but Max wasn't gay... but Laura implied that he was on the broadcast on the night of Wednesday May 16,2001... but he was just curious but didn't enjoy it... but Laura said something to the regard... hi off of acid or booze... on the night of May 25th 2001... and they shut off the light and she tossed the knife and it hit Max. But they should have brought him to the hospital right away... but Max was handcuffed and they were going on with the shoot and kept doing the friggin orgy. when they should have been responsible enough to bring him to the hospital... but they didn't... they could have saved his life but didn't... they could have gotten surgery done on him... but didn't... they could have sewed up the wound of his lower intestine but didn't... instead they went on with the orgy... but wait... they went on with the shoot when they shouldn't have been doing drugs... and i hated it at Hofstra cause they were always doing drugs... but I don't do drugs... and neither did Max... I never did acid... but at the bar for the shoot... they had slipped a tab of acid into Max's beer... and that was the qualude or drug... and on the night of March 25th 2001... I was never there mind you... I was working every weekend at the playhouse as an usher... while they were doing their shoot. and they were irresponsible in its production... and the car they first stashed Max Kolb's corpse was in Laura's...and then when people were noticing the smell around campus... then they were to pin it on Sean Alexander... Sean was Max's closest friend... but these people didn't respect Max's privacy... they should have... they really should have... but they didn't... they kept peer pressuring him when party school's suck balls for that reason... because Max Kolb was murdered kinda... they pinned it on Sean Alexander... and Sean was the fall guy... and they had put his corpse in Sean's SUV... but they shouldn't have had... they really shouldn't have... because point is... Sean was wrongfully imprisoned for a crime he did not commit. and so... Sean Alexander was arrested on May 16 2001... but Steve Tsepelis comes into the Calkins lab when I was writing my paper on Blow Up and Rear Window... and Steve comes in after the news broke out after 12... and well... he was disingenuous as if he was in the clear but Steve is a bad actor... and then Steve Tsepelis was out to ruin me... because i had corrected him on Jules et Jim... and had me fail out of school then... kinda... because Clay V. of Popcorn Flick and Hofstra Filmmaker's club was the cinematographer on Steve Tsepelis film... and probably used his own bolex... a non reflex 16mm bolex... and so... Clay decided to ruin me at Hofstra by bringing down the automatic rexo fader down one notch on my 16mm bolex... and ironically the woman Tsepelis married happened to be the Diane that was cast in my film Creative Genesis How Art Begat Dawn... but Tsepelis had gotten her all piss drunk the night before my 2nd weekend's shoot on my film... because she was celebrating to be with me... and no matter how much I tried to get in touch with her that last semester on my 2nd weekend's shoot... she was nowhere to be found that Saturday... then she shows up on Sunday... and Sean Michael Sullivan suggests to use my camera and pulls down the rexo fader down on the automatic rexo fader one notch... throwing off all my exposures that last days shoot. And Sean Michael Sullivan marries... Rachel Ann Simon... and she was mad that I didn't cast her in the film... but I wanted to leave Hofstra anyway... my heart wasn't there... I was happiest in school in University of New Orleans... I had wanted to leave Hofstra my spring semester of 2001 to go to UCLA... because I went to Hofstra because of Francis Ford Coppola... but wanted to go to UCLA... because he went there... but went to UNO and studied under Stephen H. Burum aka Stephen Hank... who was Coppola's and Brian DePalma's cinematographer... but everything went wrong at UNO because I thought things were going great... I was getting straight A's in all my production classes... but Ashton Kutcher got involved then and pranked me... they had used silent sounds on me on the Saturday of April 17th 2004 during Rachel Perry's Top 20 Videocountdown. and I was ruined then. But I still loved New Orleans better... and which I could have returned and intend to return. I met some really good friends then. But it went all to shit when Yankee town came to Hofstra... I was scared and paranoid when I started to see familiar faces there from Hofstra... everything was going good until the weekend of the 17th of April... I left school on Tuesday the 20th because I had " suffered" a schizophrenic breakdown... actually... I was doing great... but they forced me out of school to sabotage my chances into Hollywood then... to use me as some kind of Manchurian candidate to get 'pid John Kerry elected President. Bush was the better candidate but Hollywood was using me to take on Bush because he was unpopular in Hollywood. Hollywood had been trying to rig elections since 2004 because of some things I have revealed on my twitter infinitehero4he... and poemhunter bio... see... Steven Spielberg was using me to sway political favor in favor of Hollywood... but Bush was a good President... Bush made unpopular decisions with Hollywood but there should be a separation of media and politics because it leads to fake news and propaganda and what they were trying to do with Obama was in electing the wrong man to office... because Obama stole my copyright case of 2009... for 5 million dollars and sold it to Disney... then in 2017.. he hired Ashton Kutcher to prank me and steal my USB on Saturday February 4 2017... causing a hospitalization... because Hollywood wanted to make billions off my intellectual properties... and it was an orchestrated hit... on that Saturday of Last year... I went down to a rummage sale... and there was David Beier from University of New Orleans seated outside of a home at the end of the corner near Holiday tower on Darlington Rd. here in Holiday Florida... and I saw Ashton Kutcher's former wife... Demi Moore in a car... and I get down the street... and Samantha Michalzyk was in the car proceeding Demi Moore's... and they thought by waving to Samantha Michalzyk that I was interested in her... I wasn't... and when I get down enough down the street... David Beier screams out... YOU'RE SCREWED! ! ! when the rummage sale was a ploy to drive me out of my home... see I left my house open in the back... sliding porch... and Obama had orchestrated a coordinated hit.. because he sold my copyright to Hollywood for 12 million dollars after the 2016 election... at some weird ass fund raiser where Hollywood was giving Obama 12 million... as a means of a pay off for having had him serve his term in office... but Obama almost murdered my ass because he wanted to keep his house that was supposed to be my house in Hawaii... and he has ties to the Punisher... or Harvey Weinstein who got his daughter as an intern at the Weinstein company... and... then... when I narked out Obama online... he then to keep his money of 5 million plus an additional 12 million and a house in Hawaii and the 10 million dollar penthouse suite in New York City... that was Courtney Love's 10 million dollar Penthouse suite... and so... people in Hollywood were paying politicians for political sway in Hollywood. which is an impreachable offense... and Obama bragged that he stole my house in Hawaii... and in stealing that house... and my intellectual properties... steven Spielberg kept stealing my movies from me... they said so at this Oscars this year in 2018... that he stole all my movies... and they used Helen Mirren as a job because of Samantha Michalzyk or U2luver... who I did not love at all... but she wanted to keep Kurt Cobain's estate in seattle... and has been narking me out to the feds to keep a manuscript that was apart of my 2009 copyright case... and I hate Samantha Michalzyk... she ruined my life... She stole 1 billion dollars and the Kurt Cobain estate in Seattle... of which was supposed to be mine... the Hitchcock, and Kubrick, and the Welles estate... and the Cobain estate... of which... Steven Spielberg was out to steal all my movies... and because of one night in 2009... I had been duped into being with a woman I didn't love that stole 1 billion dollars... and I was talking mockingly about The Cook, The Thief, His Wife, and Her Lover and they were trying to do code at the 2018 Oscars with Helen Miren and a boat. and I had mentioned that movie to U2luvr when I never loved her... they changed my messages online in a chatroom to commit high treasonous fraud... but I never loved Samantha Michalzyk... Steven Spielberg turned evil with trying to force me with a woman I didn't love... he was pranking me with Howie Mandel... who Steven has known since his days since the movie Gremlins... and Howie made me live a life of hell because I didn't want to be mocked or broadcast to the public or poked fun at me because I didn't want to be made fun of... and Steven knows I don't like to be made fun of... but U2luvr committed high treasonous fraud and was out to steal all my intellectual properties from me but we aren't married... she stole 1 billion dollars of Hollywood money... but I am not married to her... i hate her fucking guts... she wanted to live in luxury... while I stay poor for a reality tv show called Cursed... of on the 11th anniversary of Rear Window night Steve Tsepelis wanted to kill off my father... of which I have on tape his laugh caught on camera at Tampa General Hospital... and I never wanted to retire... i wanted to be a film director forever... but that's the thing... i mentioned online to PACEY1800 of Death of a Salesman... and my father had only a 5000 dollar life insurance policy... and my father was forced to sign a Hospice paper... coerced to sign one on... May 24th 2012... the 10th anniversary of my sister buying the house on 3524 Darlington Rd. Holiday Florida 34691... and then because Obama wanted to keep his 5 million dollars and Hollywood had wanted to make billions off me.. and keep me poor... while if you read infinitehero4he... on twitter you know what I was able to do for the world... and well.. Obama was paid off for political sway... and Hollywood was misappropriating stock market money to take over communication outlets here in America... Bernie Madeoff's 86 billion dollar Ponzi scheme was a scheme where Obama and Byden got 86 billion from the Vatican... to buy up Hollywood... through the stock market... when that 86 billion was worth way more than 86 billion... it was worth... in antiquity somewhere in the trillions and trillions... and not 86 billion. And I am not married... I wanted somene new... someone I would actually love... and I didn't want an arranged marriage I wanted someone to love me for me... and so I wanted to romance someone The Shop Around The Corner style... but Laura Fu is worth Trillions of dollars... why... because she was getting China to take over the world... because in 2008... Steinbrenner used Vatican money to take over the stock market with the fake recession where the stock market was lowered... so they invested 700 billion into the stock market and took over the world... because there needs to be a separation of church, media, and state... because of Propaganda is dangerous... it led to blind nationalism that in ways is similar to the nationalism that led to the rise of Nazi Germany and Stalinism... Propaganda is dangerous and there should be laws against it.)

The Best Poem Of Richard Ford Bunuel Whale Carnegie Edison Simon Hitchcock Welles Christ Antunes Rodriguez Kubrick

About A Girl's Divine Beauty

To Dream...Steadfast We Live

Dedicated to all those dreamers
Steadfastly refusing
To cast aside childhood entirely
Completely maintaining a glimmer
Of childlike innocence and sparkle,
Shining ray upon ray of hope
Through the dark cloudy skies

Whereby in casting a life
In momentary shadow,
Therein replacing the dark
With the ever present light
Of dawn's healing rays.

Love In Blessing

Two eyes shining as beacons
Luminescent points of light
Guiding me along the contours of that face
Etched forever in memory
Easily broken, long in mending
Perpetually beating to the rhythms of the night
Patient in virtue
Love in blessing

Four years 'til sunrise

Solitary white rose in the cold
Longing for the warmth
Petals still intact
Never wilting, never dying
Longing for care
Often neglected
Petals in place
Would she love me yes?
Does she love me not?
Four years of cold
For the years of hope
For the dawn's early caress
Holding on for that healing day
Waiting out for that extended dawn


Lovelorn days and nights.
Dreaming the time away
For that special woman
To cross my path
Along the intertwining crossroads
Of existence.
Fork in the crossroad.
Which way should I go
Snip! Snip goes the marionettes' strings
Allowing one to move unheeded
Guided by the eternal book of fates
Upon this ceaseless interlocking destinies
Of so many varied number of existences,

One wonders,
Existence being as vast as it is
And we in turn are so miniscule in size and nature.
We are each in our own way significant,
Leaving behind a rippling impact
Upon the tumultuous seas
Bordering said crossroads.

No matter how big or small
The 'skipping stones' are
There is a ripple left in our wake
Paralleling our steadfast journey forward
Towards whatever futures lay before us
Along the distant horizon line

Dove Tailing At First Sight

Turtle doves
When slow falling
In love graced
Fast with longing
Hands of clock time
Stretched out akimbo
Felt as limbo,

Halt in time
Once first sight
Set like diamond
Stud of ring
Engaged remembrance-shimmers,

Felt in peace
Filled to calming
Soft starry eyed
Enchantment soaring
Soul filled
Swooning glory love,

When heart of mind
In step to virtue
Bliss filled love
Felt when seen,

Hair of blackest
Raven night
Streaked with blond
Glint of hair,

Air of white
Abated breath,

Love's true
Maiden glory life
In living honor
Kept for memory:

The one
The true
Princess Angel Eyes.

Angelus Eyes Infinito

Materialize Love When First Seen
As In Heart Rate Forever
Frames Of Mind Freeze In Time
Repeated Ad Infinitum
Angel Of Glory Morning Light
Dawn The Rays To Bright the Soul
Syncs The Heart With My Mind
Mind The Heart To Repeat Time
Re-love The Moment Seen
For This Beauty Unsung Queen
Glory Be This Beauty Girl
Heart Of Face Define What's Pretty
Eyes To Blaze A Passion Mind
Sync The Heart With All Time
Angel Eyes Seen In Face
When Our Hearts Beat Forever

Princess Angel Eyes

Fools Rush In
And I've Been Foolish All My Life
Wise Men Saw
A Heaven Sent Angel From Up Above
Divinest Of Birthright
Beauty Oh So Divine
This Angel Made Beauty
Their Origins Were With Her
As The Holiest Bells Rung
Upon Her Arriving
To Soothe All To Quiet
Heaven Sent Love

Eternal Grace Defined.

Her Beauty Towers
Above All Women;

Her Eyes Alone
Can Bring Any Man
Down To Their Knees
To Shudder And Weep
In Awe Before This
Long Legged Statuesque
Goddess Made Flesh;

Her Look Alone
Could Melt
The Coldest of Hearts
And Replace The Cold
With An Everlasting
Love To Warm;

All The Greatest Artists
Who Ever Lived
Could Toil Away
In Unison
For An Eternity
Upon A Portrait
And Only Capture
A Tenth Of Her Beauty;

She Defines
All That's Pretty,
Ever Pretty,
Divine Grace;

A Lilt Of Voice,
A Hint Of Laughter,
To Rival and Surpass
Mona Lisa's Smile,
Inquiring Minds
Would Love To Marvel
At This Beauty;

Ever Pretty,
Oh So Pretty,
Divine Grace.

Behind Your Eyes I See Forever

A Soul To Love Seen So Fair
Beauty Sought And Once Found
Your Eyes Lay Open Windows To A Soul
As Blinding To Sight As High Noon
As Romantic To Stare As Full Moon
Is A Love All Sought To Fulfill
A Heart Once Empty of All Love
Behind Your Eyes I See You
To Fill Aglow A Heart Once Dimmer
Found Love To Heart A Man When Lost
A Lighted Path To Guide My Heart
Found Purpose From Your Eye Glimmer
After Shimmer Glow Of Heart The Soul
Behind Your Eyes I See You
Behind My Eyes You See Me
Behind Our Eyes We'll Go Together
After Glimmer Souls So Pure
Love Seen There Will Be Forever

The Divinity Of All Beauty...

... Is A Woman Full Of Grace;
The Epitome Of All That's Good;
In All Of Womankind
There Is No Equal;
This Sensational Gorgeous Girl
Was Created Woman Of Purest Innocence;
Once Seen
You Shall Never Forget;
All Shall Believe
And Rejoice For This Woman
Made To Love From Afar
Or So Close
Up On High
Here On Earth

Pedestal To Support
Of This Statue Chiseled Flesh
Perfect To Look
Loving To Touch
All Is Much More Beautiful
With Her Around
The Landscapes
The People
The Scenic Everything

She Is The Divinity Of All That's Good
Never Evil
Godly Beauty
Always Pure
In All Skies

Cheer For She Is Near
On This Earth
Of This Plane
To Empower
All Of Man
And All Of Woman
And All That's Good
For All That's Sacred
Shall Ordain The Woman...

The Divinity Of All Beauty.

A Synapse Kiss of Creation Thought

After Image From Sight Gone but Latent in Memory
In Mind's Hope and Prayer for Sight Once Seen
Made True to Life Once Presence's Past Converge To Be
In Full Of Light To Hope Of Lasting Thought

Her Face To Mold A Mind To Weep
Frozen In Memory but Moving to LIght
A Way To Heart A Path Once Gone
Love Deprived Of Time As Whole When Lost

Synapses Electrify A Momont Framed
In Blanketed Sight of Sound to Comfort
To Heart The Eyes' Course Through Mind
An Interwoven Stitch of Reflected Memories

A Moment's Past To Reflect When Present
In Mind Of Sight To Hold A Moment's Touch
Brevity To Light the Whole of Mind
Memory To Last While Present Past Begone From Eyes

Beauty At First Sight

She Was A Beauty Of Her Own Right
A Divine Right
Fore She Was There
She Was Everywhere
And Nowhere All At Once

I Saw Her For What She Was
And For What She Is
A Love I Held For Years
I Saw Her First On A Day
Like Any Other
But A Difference
She Was There
And That Made All The Difference
In The World
And In My Life

It Was Love... At First Sight

Creative Genesis

She Is Beauty
An Angel Made Life
True To Being
Holier Than Thou

Honor Bound
A Torch Held Tight
Proverbial Glowing
In Heart Of Mind's History

Fueled Of Love
Inspiration For Life
A Yearning For
To Give Rise To Wife

To Dawn The Thought
Wave Of Glory
Ride The Current
To Past Virtue

Innocence Bound
Naivete Of Bliss
Forge A Union
Of Man With Beauty

True To Love

She Silences All Minds To Peace
As Her Eyes Are Made To Astonish The All Inclusive
Her Essence Is To Splendor
As Her Spirit Gives Rise To Grandeur

She May Not Be Famous To All
But She's Someone To Two
Myself And Hopefully Her

Fore Celebrity Isn't Everything
But Love Is Outstanding For One
When Felt In Two

The Proof Of Love Is In Her Eyes
The Prettiest Kind Of All
The Eyes Of An Angel
So Say This True Believer

Make A Wish From Afar

Points Of Light In A Face
An Awe Inspiring Constellation
Seen Of Her From Afar
Up On High With Those Eyes
Known To Man The Brightest Stars

When On Earth, She Shines The Heavens
Up On High With Those Eyes
An Eye Laden Eternity
Not A Glimpse, Nor A Glance
But A Longing From Afar

Her Body Diffuse Reflection
Of The Light From Her Eyes
Focus Light On Her Face
Bounce The Incident Ray Of Two Stars
Not Like A Moon But Like A Woman
An Illuminated Ideal

Make A Wish To Hold Her Tight
In Your Arms, Oh So Bright
To Hold A Woman That You Love
Heaven Sent From Above

Heart Of Sand

A Moments Grain Of Sand
To Collect In Your Hands
Sands Of Time Oh So Small
Can Slip Between Your Fingers
And Fall From Your Grasp
That's If Your Not Careful
Fore A Moment Is A Treasure

So Hold Those Moments Dear
Near Your Heart Where They Belong
Because In Time You May Forget
Like Passing Sand Through An Hour Glass
Or Through The Fingers Of Your Grip

Life Like An Hour Glass
Full Of Moments Made of Sand
To Fall Through Its Center
And To Collect In The End
Of A Life To Remember

An Angel And A Day: The Birthright Of Beauty

She Has The Prettiest Eyes In All The Land
Ones You Can Stare Into For Hours At A Stretch
Or An Eternity And A Day
Whichever Way
She Has... Angel Eyes

For The Disbelievers, I Ask
Have You Stared Into Her Eyes?
Heard The Lilt Of Her Laugh?
Or Hear Her Voice Like A Siren Call Made To Love?
Seen Much Beauty Thus Far?
Because You Haven't As Of Yet
Until You've Seen This Beauty From The Stars
A Summation Of Divine Observations

For Her Lineage Thus Far
I Thank My God
For Blessing Her Heaven Sent Birth
A Very Lordly Privilege
In Placing An Angel On This Earth

Beauty Tells No Lies

Beauty Is In The Eye Of The Beholder
And Beauty Tells No Lies
As I Saw This Angel In The Eyes
A Personification Of All That's Wonderful

Hyperbole For My Angel
Fore This Is Not Exaggeration
Or Just A Figure Of Speech
Its Everything That's FACT.

So Please Love Me Sensitive
Love Me Slow
Love Me All Life Long
Fore What I Feel For You Is Never Wrong

I'd Get On My Knees To Beg
Forgiveness And For Love
To Hold Your Hand In Life
In Marriage And Beyond

Tunnel Vision Of The Heart

My Eyes Were Made To Wander
But I Had Tunnel Vision For You Instead
I Saw Nothing But Your Eyes
For A Face I Loved To Stare

I Marveled At The Beauty
All Would Call A Face
But To Me Yours Is An Accomplishment
To All Of Womankind

Any Man Would Feel Lucky
To Have You At Their Side
I Would Feel Broken Hearted-Spirits
To See You All Alone

So I'd Hope You'd Have Me
Imperfections And All
To Heal This Broken Heart
When I've Been All Alone

When I Rode Alone

I'd Go Against My Principles
And Save You For Myself
Because Of Love And Honor..
. I'll Fight For Your Hand.
Up On My Lonesome
I'd Ask You To Ride
Like We Were Always Destined
To Ride Off Into The Sunrise

In Marriage I'll Be Honored
To Have You For My Bride
You Are What Make Passions Soar
You Are Beauty Personified

Long Before The Sun
Were Ever To Set
Let Us Ride Away
Towards A Life We'll Never Forget

Ever-Heart In Longing

A Woman Is To Man
As Heaven Is To God Up Above.

Without You Here Girl...
I've Gone Through Inferno

I Praised You To The Heavens
Where You're From
And Where We Belong.

My Heaven Is With You Girl;
Where You're From, Up Above.

How I Must Have Waited
And Longed In Patient-Virtue
For You, My Angel Beauty.

To Grace My Life... With Your Love.

My True Heaven

She Is To Light
What Sunshine Is To Day
She Is My Sunshine
I Am Her Knight
Without You Here Girl
There Is No Day

Just Starlight
To Light The Night
In Longing For You Girl
You Set My Passions Ablaze

Star Bright
Star Light
I Wish Upon A Star Tonight
In Want To Get To Know You Girl;

Not Just For A Day
But For A Lifetime...
You Are The True Heaven

With You Here Girl,
You Set My Passions Ablaze.

Memories' Grace A Love When Found

I'd Be Very Attentive To Everything She Is
And Had To Say...
I'd Let Her Talk For Hours On End.
Just To Hear The Sound Of Her Voice Again.
When I Cry Over A Girl...
It Doesn't Mean I'm Depressed Or Sad.
For A Moment...
It Takes Me Back To A Time
When She Was Around.
It'd Be A Gift Just To Have Her Here Again.
Its A Gift Just To Remember...
In Having Lived It.
A Memories' Grace
A Mind To Love
A Past Recalled
Before Your Eyes
A Girl You Love
The Brightest Star
There To Shine...
There Is None Brighter
Than A Girl You Love

A Jigsaw Puzzle Piece In Heart

You See My Heart
Its For You
Its Broken In Half
Do You Have Some Glue
Its Like A Big Puzzle Piece
They Fit Together
One Half For You
One Half For Me
You Make My Heart Complete
Incomplete As Two
Whole When One
When I Am With You
We'll Be Whole As Two
As Its Mended With You
So Don't You Dare Leave
Or My Heart Will Break In Two

Dreams Grace My Heart

God Graced You With Beauty.
You Are What's Beautiful To Me.
As A Child, You Were An Angel.
As You Reached Adulthood,
You Became The Prettiest Girl I Ever Seen
You Blossomed Into A Flower
If Not Sweeter Than A Whole Field Of Roses
To Brighten Up Your Life,
I Would Love You When You Were Near
You'll Still Live On In My Heart
Long After You've Moved On

I Must Thank You For What You Made Me Feel
Just You Here Would Make Me Feel Alive Again
You Made Me Feel Like A Man
When Alll I've Ever Been Was A Boy
With You Gone, I Am Half The Man I Ever Was
And Will Ever Be Again

You Had The Prettiest Of Eyes
That I Would Love To See Forever.
But Only In My Dreams
Will We Be Together.

A Heart To Open

Open Lock Locket Open
Of A Heart Scene Of You

A Chiseled Face To Perfection
All My Time Is On You

For A Heart Made To Love
As My Life Torn In Two

In My Mind We Are As One
As Our Hearts Beat In Two

Christmas For The Lovelorn.

She Was The Only Star In My Sky
I Suppose With Absence
My Heart Has Grown Dimmer
She Was The North Star
She Guided My Heart To Love
With Her Gone, I Have Lost My Way
To Shine A Light For Her Return
If She Returns For Me At All
Hope Fuels The Light Of Way
To A Heart Of Mind Now Lost In Time
For Christmas....

Heaven Sent Prayer

Blessed Be This Angel Princess
Eyes So Bright To Hold And Witness

Fascinates To All Whose There
Be Those Fortunate Ones To Stare

True To Being Surge Of Love
Heaven Sent From Above

Ever-Present Be Her Aura
A Pandora Box Of Love

Not Of Evil But Of Heaven
Come This Aura From Above

I Dub Thee Princess Spawned Of Angels
Eyes To Shining Love To Soar

Lips Inviting Warmth To Body
Everybody Sees This Grace

Bloom This Love For One So Pretty
Ever Pretty Course of Day

Dawn The Day To Light Of Happiness
Be The Happiness Be Tomorrow

Love For Thee... Evermore

Years That Span Out of Reach
From Sights Remembered
Long Since Passing
Away From View’s Immediate Touch

The Proximity Of You Was Short And Lovelorn
When An Expanse of Time Grows Crushing
Of Ones’ Mind And Heart To Mourn
What’s Forgot Of Me In You In Separate-Absence

The Lilt of Laughter Echoes
Through My Heart Once Broke Into
Peace Defined In Your Eyes’
Evermore Made To Stare

Back At Me I See Reflect
The Love When Gone In Subtract
Your Time And Interests Wane
Fore A Continent's Cry-Far Of Distance

A Glass Of Mind Shattered Made
Mend The Broken Peace Defined
This Love In Me I Feel For Thee
A Broken Heart’s Peace In Two

Peace of Love, Divide In Years

Eyes to Light a Man in Peace
A Voice to Comfort the Inner Being
A Core of Conflict in Regret
Inaction Leaves a Life Incomplete
For Years Once Past in Days of Yore
For A Girl Turned Woman in Ones' Eyes
My Mind Ablaze of Intellect's Desire
An Equal In Memory But Far Superior
To A Heart Once Broken of Love In Fragment
Longing Afar From Distant Horizons
Divide The Two In Space And Time
For Years Divide Love In Passing
Moments of Time, No Peace of Mind.

Gray Skies Illuminate The LOVE

Gray Skies Illuminate The Heart
Fog The Mind Of All Sight
Seen By All, Felt As One

To Cloud The World At Ground Level
To A Man, Blinded Love

To Kiss A Hand, A Touch Of Gray
To Hold Her Hand, A Touch Of Body
Visibility Touched Down To Gray
Feel The Warmth Of Her Love

Felt As Whole
Not In Fashion
In These Ways
Now A Days...

Gray Matter Matters Gray
Of A Mind Seen In Heart
Of A Face To Light The World
A Beacon Ray Through The Gray
Visibility Set With Two, Seen Of Love

When Blanketing The World Of Gray
Up To Heaven's Stay Of Passion
A Fog To Lift The Two
Up To Heaven's Stay Of Love

A Stay Of Love With Gray Passion
Of Two Lives In The Skies
Met The World At Ground Level
Of Two Hearts Made Of Love

It Matters Not What We See
It Matters Yes How Its Felt.
A Stay With Skies Oh So Gray
A Stay Of Passion, A State Of Love

Richard Ford Bunuel Whale Carnegie Edison Simon Hitchcock Welles Christ Antunes Rodriguez Kubrick Comments

Richard Ford Bunuel Whale Carnegie Edison Simon Hitchcock Welles Christ Antunes Rodriguez Kubrick Quotes

'The stuff dreams are made of.' Sam Spade, Maltese Falcon 'True Love Is To Be Two And Yet One, A Man And A Woman Blended As Angels, Heaven Itself.' The Shop Around The Corner 'A fellow will remember a lot of things you wouldn't think he'd remember. You take me. One day, back in 1896, I was crossing over to Jersey on the ferry, and as we pulled out, there was another ferry pulling in, and on it there was a girl waiting to get off. A white dress she had on. She was carrying a white parasol. I only saw her for one second. She didn't see me at all, but I'll bet a month hasn't gone by since that I haven't thought of that girl.' Citizen Kane 'In a mad world only the mad are sane.' Akira Kurosawa 'When you wish upon a star your dreams come true.' Pinnochio 'If it can be written, or thought, it can be filmed.' Stanley Kubrick 'I think the big mistake in schools is trying to teach children anything, and by using fear as the basic motivation. Fear of getting failing grades, fear of not staying with your class, etc. Interest can produce learning on a scale compared to fear as a nuclear explosion to a firecracker.' Stanley Kubrick 'A filmmaker has almost the same freedom as a novelist has when he buys himself some paper.' Stanley Kubrick 'If you want a happy ending, that depends, of course, on where you stop your story.' Orson Welles 'A film is never really good unless the camera is an eye in the head of a poet.' Orson Welles 'The enemy of art is the absence of limitations.' Orson Welles 'I think an artist has always to be out of step with his time.' Orson Welles 'I want to give the audience a hint of a scene. No more than that. Give them too much and they won't contribute anything themselves. Give them just a suggestion and you get them working with you. That's what gives the theater meaning: when it becomes a social act.' Orson Welles 'I passionately hate the idea of being with it; I think an artist has always to be out of step with his time.' Orson Welles 'Create your own visual style... let it be unique for yourself and yet identifiable for others.' Orson Welles 'I hate television. I hate it as much as peanuts. But I can't stop eating peanuts.' Orson Welles 'A movie in production is the greatest train set a boy could ever have.' Orson Welles 'Suspense is like a woman. The more left to the imagination, the more the excitement.' Alfred Hitchcock 'Drama is life with the dull bits left out. There is no terror in the bang, only in the anticipation of it. I believe in putting the horror in the minds of the audience, and not necessarily on the screen. The length of a film should be directly related to the endurance of the human bladder.' Alfred Hitchcock 'Our primary function is to create an emotion and our secondary function is to sustain that emotions.' Alfred Hitchcock 'A woman, I always say, should be like a good suspense movie: The more left to the imagination, the more excitement there is. This should be her aim - to create suspense, to let a man discover things about her without her having to tell him.' Alfred Hitchcock 'I don't understand why we have to experiment with film. I think everything should be done on paper. A musician has to do it, a composer. He puts a lot of dots down and beautiful music comes out. And I think that students should be taught to visualize. That's the one thing missing in all this. The one thing that the student has got to do is to learn that there is a rectangle up there - a white rectangle in a theater - and it has to be filled.' Alfred Hitchcock When accepting the American Film Institute Life Achievement award: 'I beg permission to mention by name only four people who have given me the most affection, appreciation, and encouragement, and constant collaboration. The first of the four is a film editor, the second is a scriptwriter, the third is the mother of my daughter Pat (Patricia Hitchcock) , and the fourth is as fine a cook as ever performed miracles in a domestic kitchen. And their names are Alma Reville.' Alfred Hitchcock 'When an actor comes to me and wants to discuss his character, I say, 'It's in the script.' If he says, 'But what's my motivation? , ' I say, 'Your salary.' Alfred Hitchcock 'In the documentary the basic material has been created by God, whereas in the fiction film the director is a God; he must create life.' Alfred Hitchcock 'Self-plagiarism is style.' Alfred Hitchcock 'In feature films the director is God; in documentary films God is the director.' Alfred Hitchcock 'In Italy, for 30 years under the Borgias, they had warfare, terror, murder and bloodshed, but they produced Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci and the Renaissance. In Switzerland they had brotherly love, they had 500 years of democracy and peace - and what did that produce? The cuckoo clock.' Orson Welles 'A good artist should be isolated. If he isn't isolated, something is wrong.' Orson Welles 'The cinema has no boundary; it is a ribbon of dream.' Orson Welles 'The director is simply the audience. So the terrible burden of the director is to take the place of that yawning vacuum, to be the audience and to select from what happens during the day which movement shall be a disaster and which a gala night. His job is to preside over accidents.' Orson Welles 'A man is not from where he is born, but where he chooses to die.' Orson Welles 'The camera is much more than a recording apparatus, it is a medium via which messages reach us from another world.' Orson Welles 'The director is simply the audience. His job is to preside over accidents....' Orson Welles 'My kind of director is an actor-director who writes.' Orson Welles 'As for my style, for my vision of the cinema, editing is not simply one aspect; it's the aspect.' Orson Welles 'One should make movies innocently - the way Adam and Eve named the animals, their first day in the garden...Learn from your own interior vision of things, as if there had never been a D.W.Griffith, or a Eisenstein, or a [John] Ford, or a [Jean] Renoir, or anybody.' Orson Welles 'We made civilization in order to impress our girlfriends.' Orson Welles 'Everything has already been done. every story has been told every scene has been shot. it's our job to do it one better.' Stanley Kubrick 'Never say no to an idea - you never know how that idea will ignite another idea.' Stanley Kubrick 'If you really want to communicate something, even if it's just an emotion or an attitude, let alone an idea, the least effective and least enjoyable way is directly. It only goes in about an inch. But if you can get people to the point where they have to think a moment what it is you're getting at, and then discover it, the thrill of discovery goes right through the heart.' Stanley Kubrick 'A film is - or should be - more like music than like fiction. It should be a progression of moods and feelings. The theme, what's behind the emotion, the meaning, all that comes later.' Stanley Kubrick 'Anybody can direct a picture once they know the fundamentals. Directing is not a mystery, it's not an art. The main thing about directing is: photograph the people's eyes.' John Ford 'You can speak well if your tongue can deliver the message of your heart.' John Ford

Richard Ford Bunuel Whale Carnegie Edison Simon Hitchcock Welles Christ Antunes Rodriguez Kubrick Popularity

Richard Ford Bunuel Whale Carnegie Edison Simon Hitchcock Welles Christ Antunes Rodriguez Kubrick Popularity

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