In Days Gone By Poem by Tom Whethersome

In Days Gone By

In days gone by dreams were formed.
In youth. With hope. Excitement.
Our decisions made without true knowledge.
Some difficult. Which bound. They hurt us.
Our youth spent to build those dreams.
We learnt. We climbed. We trained.
But life will always find one way, to put us in our place.

In days gone by our love did blossom.
With passion. In innocence. Forever?
Our plans had changed with our knowing.
We grew. We aged. We married.
For years we tried, but all in vain.
We drifted. It festered. We parted.
Oh life did truly find that way, to shatter this around us.

In days gone by this life was whole.
A dream. A love. A future.
But life it seems had another plan.
Dreams crushed. Love spoilt. Time’s faded.
But when it’s grasped, it’s much too late.
It’s done. Chance gone. We missed it.
The only thing we’ve known for life, we’ll never close that curtain.

Now it’s time to reflect upon these.
Your life. Your dreams. Your ending.
You’d give so much to go back to.
The start. Your youth. The adventure.
In hindsight might you change some things?
Those dreams? That love? Those feelings?
Life turn us into bitter things, unlike in days gone by.

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