In My Room Poem by bob barci

In My Room

Locked the door behind me.
Never bothered to turn the lights on.
Don't want to see your face upon the wall.
Enclosed in my room
I don't have to face the outside world.

How can I face the people now?
You led me to believe you loved me.
then you went and said goodbye.

I hear your voice at my door.
No, I don't care,
I don't care who you are,
I won't let you into my room.
You tore my soul apart,
let me down,
and hurt me deep inside.
The core of my heart will never belong to you again.
I'm not a bar of soft clay that you can play with.
I'll stay in my room forever.
Never need to come out.
Never need to face all the familiar places again.

The rains set in and I'm drowning.
You said your piece before -
now leave.
You showed me your true self,
it's too late now,
you blew it.

In my room I'll stay till the rains stop.
I can't be reached now.
Can't be touched anymore.
You took me for a ride girl
and now you can't bear the consequence.

It's dark in my room.
I wonder how long it will take them to find me here in my room.

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