In Space And In Earth: Life Of An Astronaut! Poem by Naga Vamshidhar Ratakonda

In Space And In Earth: Life Of An Astronaut!

Lucky me the chosen one that I ‘am,
A heavenly opportunity of life,
Denied to best of equals in Planet Earth,
Floating in Infinite Space above Earth,
In a 'Tesla' roadster SpaceX car driving at,
Great Astronomical Speeds amidst,
Meteor Showers and Asteroid Flowers;

In child dreams too these didn't come true,
Whilst staring at the star constellations,
Wondering what all these conspire,
Appearing on time to Earthly creatures,
Deciphered some and ciphered rest,
Convey mystery things changing,
Through their twinkling whispers;

Discarded for no skills in syllabus routine,
Deemed lost seldom in oblivion thoughts,
The Shooting stars and comet Haley,
Prophesized a new frontier of life path,
Space like God embraces those cared by none,
And rest is History for an Astro or Cosmonaut!

As things stand from space I see,
Adjusting the Mindset to - 'Spins & vibrations,
Rotations & revolutions of objects,
Gravity and Anti-gravity of space,
To attain the escape velocity' is all it counts!

Situations no different in Space and in Earth!
Debris here and Litter there everywhere;
Recycled faeces here & Inorganic pesticide feast there;
Magnetic laws of attraction between men & women there,
Same fields operating between me and space here;
Gravity laws governing here and Power circles there;
Gods prayed there and God particles sprayed here;
Revival chances bleak there with Ozone holes,
Survival chances glim here with Matter & Anti-matter struggles;

Denied for common man there on Earth,
Supporting whilst in space,
Are Innovations of entire Human history till date;
Shielded I'm here in space suit to,
Defend from cosmic rays & vibrations;
Folded I'm there meditating kneels down,
Praying for positive vibrations from space!

I wonder, does this stardust cast a spell on me,
When I'm on earth? These that have no effect,
While I'm here amongst them in a 'Tesla Car'!

These planets & stars unfamiliar from Earth,
Does have an effect and cast their spells;
While in space Galactic forces unknown from here,
Effects and cast their spells!

Clearly, It is the distance and,
Where one stand's that matters!
Being 'Local' is the key to escape,
Fierce 'Local' forces that cast a spell,
When you are a 'Non-local';
True is this strange attitude even with space!

Local to space that I'm now, un-aware for how long!
Till humans many, find their way here?
Me leaving the footsteps for others to follow!

Thursday, February 8, 2018
Topic(s) of this poem: science fiction,star,modern,science,space,astronomy ,cosmology,earth,galaxy,meteorologist
In Space and In Earth: Life of an Astronaut - Is a a futuristic and imaginative poetry of an astronaut as he sees and feels it from space. The 'Tesla' car experiment to launch it along with pay load isimagined to carry an astronaut than a dummy.
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