Independence And Bread - By Abdukayum Mamadzhanov Poem by Saniya Galeyeva

Independence And Bread - By Abdukayum Mamadzhanov

When hearing the word "independence", I always
Remember the nineties when my motherland was
Thrown into confusion; when at the crossroads
It chose the wrong way, the wrong path and wrong goals
And the fratricidal war started, broke out.
The root of all evil which gave such a sprout
Was in the fools` speeches of regionalism.
Those liars and rascals appealing for this
Did serve only devils and were simply lees.
They forged the religion and slandered beliefs.
They cheated the people and pulled their legs
And urged them to fight against another race.

The virus of hatred attacked the small brains
And poisoned the South and the East - the both ends.
You can see the vestige of the described pest -
Believe it or not - even now, dear friends.
The enemies came and they came from abroad.
They tried to make quarrelthe South and the North.
Tajikistan being united and sole
Annoyed the foes like a thorn or an eyesore.
The enemies` thoughts are as simple as pie -
The regions are weak when you make them divide,
And people won't object to whatever they do -
The parasites win when the donors are mute.

At last Arbob people did manage to rise
And finally cut the bold foes down to size.
The hydra of war was disarmed and destroyed,
The discord was over, the peace was returned.

The head of the state, strong and proud,
There rose Tajiks` leader, the Giant.
He swore and promised his comrades
To finish with wars and with conflicts.
He said: "I will find wise solutions!
No more lies and no more illusions! "

And he was as good as his word,
No matter how hard the life was.
The people are thankful a lot
To him, for his selfless hard work.
They chose him to manage control
And he coped with the leader's role.

They say, bread is the staff of life.
No one would ever deny that.
But hearing this well-known proverb,
I think of those who sow and grow it.
I ask myself if we are always
Respectful, thankful to grain-growers.

It was in nineteen ninety-four.
The people were tired of the war.
The president was just elected.
He wished the land to be protected.
But there was still cold and hatred
In many hearts. No law defended
The people, their rights. There was no kin
Who hadn't suffered from the war machine.
The country was still deeply wounded,
And all beliefs were lost or ruined.

Our troop contained five hundred soldiers.
Stuck in the snows, we grew not bolder,
As all the roads had been destroyed
And even armored cars could not
Go through the snowdrifts which lay there,
Behind, ahead and everywhere.
The weather wasn't to change at all.
And having no bread, not a loaf,
We ate potatoes every day
And suffered from the stomach ache.

I do and will think of the past.
I will remember it. I must.
And even now I do sometimes
See dreams about war at nights.
These dreams are terrible as death.
They sometimes even catch my breath.
I close my eyes and see again
A picture causing me great pain.
I see asmall girl with her hand
Stretched out for a piece of bread.
Her cheeks are rosy with the frost.
Unbuttoned is her old thin coat.
She put no mittens in a hurry.
The eyes are glittering with hunger.
And there are kiddies behind her,
As hungry as this frozen girl.
And on the children's trembling palms
There are stale slices or dry buns.
I still remember those kids holding
The pieces of bread which was moldy.

And Anvarbek, my main assistant,
Did see that too and he was sickened.
And tears well up in my friend's eyes
When he remembers those black times.
That picture of the starving kiddies
Healed many people from the sickness
Of their hatred towards their neighbors.
They did remember of true values.

And now, today we must thank our stars
And those who got back unity for us.
Now independent is Tajikistan,
And there is fresh bread on your dastarkhan*!

*A dastarkhan is the name used across Central Asia and Muslimsof the Indian subcontinent to the traditional spacewhere food is eaten. The term may refer to the tablecloth which is spread on the ground, floor, or table and is used as a sanitary surface for food, but it is also used more broadly to refer to the entire meal setting. It is part of traditional Central Asian cuisine.The term was introduced in the Indian subcontinent by the Turkic rulers from Central Asia.
The word Dastarkhan is a Turkic word meaning "tablecloth" or "great spread".
The food placed on a dastarkhan ranges from simple tea and bread (for small meals shared by a family)to various salads, nuts, candies,  sorpa, and meat set out for a feast.
A large cultural significance is placed on the dastarkhan among different groups, and as such, various traditions, customs, values, and prohibitions surround the use of the dastarkhan. These include, for example, that there is usually a dedicated drink (usually tea)pourer, or that one must never step on the dastarkhan.

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Saturday, March 10, 2018
Topic(s) of this poem: historical,history,hunger,independence,war,war and peace,war memories
Translated from Russian
Saniya Galeyeva

Saniya Galeyeva

Russia, Orenburg region, Sorochinsk
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