Interdependence Day Celebration Poem by Alla Bozarth

Interdependence Day Celebration

I sit in quiet regard
in the garden swing,
eyes over hours drifting
among creature kin,
see them here —

An afternoon ant's effort
to take home a feast
for the clan — fur-clad
yellow-striped honeybee,
immensely ten times her size,
leaving his outgrown body
a spirit gift to earth diners now —

Iridescent green hummingbirds
fighting over twenty-five wild
yellow irises — plenty, plenty
for the tiny two of them!

Bright green dragonfly napping
on a bowl of yellow rose petals;
yellow sunlight dancing
in clear water, sunbeams bathing
in gold pools of water,
down petrified wood and rose
quartz ledges, down the fountain's
rocky pyramid mountain; and
brightest yet canary yellow
goldfinch friends climbing
under cascades of the sun-and-water
partners to partake in their pleasure,
drink in the light and take flight
like new birds just born.

There isn't time to tell you more —
I am assigned to be their angel this evening
and put out fresh sunflower seeds for supper.
They have fed me all day with their music
and colors — it is the least I can do for them.

And for the Three Treasures —
The Wild, the Way, and Friends —
I thank you.

The Book of Bliss, iUniverse 2000
All Rights Reserved

Alla Bozarth

Alla Bozarth

Portland, Oregon
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