It Is Good To Be Sympathetic To The Dalit Issue, But There Are Many Ppints Undiscussed Too Poem by Bijay Kant Dubey

It Is Good To Be Sympathetic To The Dalit Issue, But There Are Many Ppints Undiscussed Too

Something is definitely admirable
And human in them,
But something is vehemently sociological
Which but you cannot
If get you not trapped in.

After mixing with, you will come to know
How obstinate and arrogant,
Superstitious and cruel and callous
Are they.

As they know it not the language
of the heart,
But of the body
As they like to go for a kill
And drink.

Once I could not compromise with
As for the beautiful water bird
Trapped by a blackly scavenger
And he relished upon
After killing the blackly, but striped white bird.

Another time had a tougher deal with the Santhals
On the killing spree
And the wild cat lying bewildered
Near my garden
And they hooting to hit
With arrows.

Accept you it or not
There is something in culture too
If scrutinized closely
As the Aryans have tried abstain from
Wine, marijuana and hemp
To some extent.

But the scheduled caste and tribe culture
Has always inspired them
Without taking food,
Going for the kill,
Preying upon
Or fishing all that.

How do the, kill the pigs,
It will astonish you,
With stones, sticks,
Rods and arrows
The black pig running
For an escape and cover?

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