It’s A State Of Despair… Poem by Melissa Coventry

It’s A State Of Despair…

What a country we live in,
When free speech is converted to a whisper,
When a peaceful protest is a terrorist act,
And when good education,
Has gone to the gutter.
When our health system,
Is on the rocks and doesn’t work,
It’s just a choke.

What a state of affairs,
When the biggest events in the public eye,
Are the violent rages of uncouth.
That the system to reform criminals,
Is privatized…
Still, it doesn’t change a soul.
And at the law systems hand, the victims,
Are brought to their knees,
It’s a state of despair…

How come the young know nothing?
Of our Aussie history… (Jeez there is only 200 years worth)
Or of the bravery of Anzacs,
Vietnam and soldiers of today…
Why don’t they care?
Why do they have no respect?
How come it has to be like this?
Where we need to shove in down their throats.

What a sad time we live in,
When our homes are shut-ins,
And we don’t even know our neighbours,
When we need a permit to have the basics,
Like water…
Why do farmers have to walk off their land,
Walk away from their lives,
And all they ask for is rain and federal relief.

When did it all change?
When our leaders became undermined,
When local pubs stop playing live music,
And public schools became restricted.
And why must some work until they die,
Just to get by…
Is it worth questioning?
When you can tell nothing is going to be changing.

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