It's Dark Again... Poem by Leslie Xavier

It's Dark Again...

Did I forget to say I care?
Is that why you shout tonight,
showing me my place;
always beyond that inner world,
where everyone dear for you remain.
The worthless is left to wonder,
don't I belong there, I get my answer -
'it doesn't make a difference', the door was shut.

Was I driven by instincts, too much of survival fights;
trying to protect what I have, my treasure.
Did I block the sun, I never meant to;
I only wanted to cover the flame.
From all sides, to keep things warm, cosy,
thinking I could keep you safe, a haven;
in this city, so very harmless;
but deep within, it hides ugly scars.

You could die molested and even worse;
the very child, I saw in you could grow old.
These lights you see, the neon ones;
have stories of blood and wasted lives.
I've seen the streets, the lives,
I can't be blamed, I was there.
You don't know baby; why I stood near you;
as a shade, just to protect.

Tonight truth struck me hard,
I am bad and mad, your dear ones point.
I was mad to 'squeeze' you with love;
but was never bad, will never be.
I bleed tonight, crying it out,
all I wanted was to see you smile, hear you talk,
jest with me; the heavenly peace proves it too.
Now, my world turns dark, it always does.

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