It Sees No Evil Poem by Dina Raven

It Sees No Evil

Look at it,
It looks so scared.
Look at it,
It can't call for help.
Look at it!
You aren't looking!
Can't you feel the urge to help?
A little helpless creature...
All it needs is care.
Lying there motionless.
His black shiny eyes,
losing their sparkle.
Its no evil seeing eyes,
Not seeing anymore.
Look at it!
I demand!
IT demands!
The pre-death reflexes working over-drive,
Making its small body twist in a dance.
Look at it!
Look at its innocent mouth.
It never said no cruel words.
Its mind,
Never thought no ugly thoughts.
So why do you course it under your breath?
Its little life is fading away...
Will it meat its fate in this filthy glass jail?
Or will it be brought around the back,
To die a slow, lonely and painful death?
I shall never know...
I was a coward,
I left.
I have my own life to look after.
And you have yours, to let go...

I wrote this poem on the way back home from a pet shop. This poem is dedicated to a very sick guinea pig I saw in one of the glass cages. None of the workers noticed it. They walked by. The little animal was lying against the glass on a side, with one eye up. The creature caught my eye. I sat there watching it. The guinea pigs body shook now and again. The view was horrifying. I went over to one of the workers there and told her, that there is something wrong with one of them. I waited for 5 minutes until she finished cleaning up an aquarium. I brought her to the sick animal and she looked at it and gave me a confused look. Whats so confusing? Call the vet. Or talk to someone in charge. She looked at it for a minute. Then looked at me and left. I was standing by the counter, waiting for here to return to the helpless pet. I never saw her. I had to leave. When I stepped into the car, I just wanted to write it down. I do really hope that the sick guinea pig was treated as she should have been before I saw it.

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