It Was Too Late Then! Poem by Krishna Baalu

It Was Too Late Then!

It was too late then!

When I loved you I ought to have loved you then and there!

But I dreamt a while, floated in cloud

Gathered a flower of lily or two, travelled through my own time


It was too late then;

I reached the summit

Thanked God and Moon on that full Moon Day

Cursed the chillness around in the lake,

Far away in urban jungle, far away from the maddening lights

The floating fog in the fading dusk

Washed my car comfortably

Wiped my shivering fingers off

Tucked my t shirt inside the blue jeans

Left the leather belt dangling in a hurry

No man around, no breath around

But chirping birds in the distance clouds

But forgot to check my heart for its beats

My love was deep asleep by then

By then it was too late;

Here where I failed to connect

The body and soul-the life and death

If I was alive I would have dead by now

Since not, I am immortal now

I am floating around

I see me sleeping in the car seat sitting pretty

So serene, so calm so peaceful

I ought to have loved you then and there!

With courage and conviction!

KRISHNA BAALU/07-11-2010

Dr.ram Mehta 08 November 2010

Nice and well expressed thoughts on tghe lost love with its yearnings, krishna

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