James Russell Mccornack Poem by Marilyn Lott

James Russell Mccornack

James Russell McCornack
Was a wonderful and gentle man
Family was so very important
And his love for his Oklahoma land

He served his time in the Navy
So handsome he was in uniform
Excited about tackling the world
He was ready for life’s many storms

He married the love of his life
Karen was a joy to behold
Oh, such wonderful memories
So many loving stories are told

A great father to his babies
Always showing his love for them
As a husband they don’t get any better
And as a man he was truly a gem

A hard-working guy he was always
He did much more than his share
Making friends wherever he went
Something about him made them care

“Papa” as he was called by grandkids
Sweet memories embedded in their minds
What lucky children they all were
No better grandpa could they ever find

So brave with his many health issues
Flashing a sweet smiling face
This is the way They’ll remember
A man that can never be replaced

So God, please hear their prayers
Give them the strength to renew
To move forward but always remember
This man that they now entrust to you!

Marilyn Lott

Marilyn Lott

Washington state USA
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