Johnny Cade Poem by JJ N.

Johnny Cade

In shadows cast by life's cruel hand,

There dwells a soul, both meek and grand,

A troubled boy, with weary eyes,

Johnny Cade, in his own world he lies.

With trembling hands, his spirit worn,

Trapped in a world where hope is torn,

But beneath the scars that mark his skin,

Strength and courage lie deep within.

A heart so pure, untainted and true,

A fighter's spirit, shining through,

In a harsh world where love is rare,

Johnny Cade, a gentle soul, so rare.

He carries burdens not his own,

Yet never gives up, never disowns,

His loyalty, fierce as a burning flame,

A noble heart, though battered, remains.

In hushed whispers, his name is heard,

A fragile spirit, forever stirred,

A testament to resilience and pain,

In the face of darkness, hope shall remain.

Oh, Johnny Cade, a specter of youth,

Forever etched as a symbol of truth,

Your sacrifice, eternally told,

In a heart that beats for the lost and bold.

May your spirit forever live on,

In the hearts of those who've come and gone,

Your memory, a flame that shall not fade,

In the echoes of your name, forever made.

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