Just A Guy Poem by Thomas Dooley

Just A Guy

Rating: 5.0

We walk separate paths in life

You walk your's I'll walk mine

Even when it is the same destination

So stop all the predictions

Just a guy walking through life

Looking for what everyone is trying to find

Just a guy walking like a man

Through the water and on the sand

Need no directions from theories or lies

Not from someone who needs a plain to fly

Got my own mind and my religion is just to be kind

No one understands that they just hide

Just a guy walking through life

Looking for the good in everyone even one holding the knife

Just a guy had so many friends

None could be found in the end

The fall of man isn't in Gods hands

Matthew, Luke, and Paul in their letters lied to us all

But who really lives with the guilt for the fall

The losing fight for foreign lands

Just a guy walking through life

Living with his own fights

Just a guy who only looks within

Giving and never getting peace is his only friend

©Copyright Thomas Dooley 2019

Saturday, January 4, 2020
Topic(s) of this poem: religion
Kingsley Egbukole 04 January 2020

Very beautifully crafted poem. Interesting...10.

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