Killer Life Insurance (Blood Money, Pt.4) Poem by Axley Jade Blaze

Killer Life Insurance (Blood Money, Pt.4)

Outranking the most divine experiences
Crossing the line, agonizing, an inheritance
The petal she unfolds
There's a suffocating quality in her flow
Yet, it comes clandestine, a whisper, so low
Something to begrudge, we all want to know:
Condensation and drops, I see the glimmer
Her delectable, quiet, but fatal shimmer
Deceiving beauty?
It makes me jump; that fire's making me quiver!
I feel the fury in her beauty as I begin to shiver
She drains my account,
Like a widow, venom could fill a river.

Hot Mama, she's on fire!
Hell's top model, I'm the gasoline,
She's my lighter, walk the wire
Reflection phosphorescent
The Mirror; like an inferno
I see this dual persona,
I aspire
To be this bad-bad-girl,
I can't deny I maybe wanna
Cash that check and 'make it rain'
That faux reflection is so tempting
I got a'lotta passion,
From her flames, it's so vain,
Like a lion's gorgeous mane
A feline there's no way to tame

But, this insurance,
I fool myself;
Pretend she is real
She's hot money,
She's top wealth
Though I know she isn't.
She's just a mask
She is my veil.
She's a lie,
My way to hide what's beneath
To conceal
The fragile human
So I mask myself so well—
Even I am derailed.

© copyright 2019-2024 Killer Life Insurance (Blood Money, Pt.4)

Killer Life Insurance (Blood Money, Pt.4)
Wednesday, January 30, 2019
Topic(s) of this poem: love,relationship,sexuality,breaking up,modeling,beauty,duality,feminism
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