Kokology 8 Poem by Hajime Midori

Kokology 8

It’s a morning like any other: last-minute preparations before you run out of the door. Hair? Check. Clothes? Check. Everything’s ready to go…
You get on your way at the usual  time, but halfway to work you realize your wallet is not where you always keep it. A quick search confirms the worst – you left it at home! And there’s no time for you to turn around and go back for it.
You begin  going through your pockets and bags to see how much spare cash you have to get you  through the day. How much money do you find?

Answer Key (Click link below)
The amount of cash you found represents the amount of money you forget about in your daily life; money you don’t rely on being there. It also represents the amount of money you feel comfortable lending to others. Just how much did you say you found?
About ten or  twenty dollars? That seems like a reasonable figure.
More than a hundred? You’re probably popular with friends before payday.
Nothing at all? Maybe you’re broke, or are you just cheap?

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