Last Breathe Poem by Garreth Eyssen

Last Breathe

It sucks not being able to speak to you
It hurts its intense
It feels like I’ve been ripped apart
It feels like my insides are about to fall out

I know I have issues but you have too
We fight
We don’t speak
I cry
I try
I adjust
What did you do?

Did you feel anything in the first place
Have you ever cared
Have you ever juggled your heart and soul...

I sit here smoking my cigarette
Thinking of a time when you were here
Watching the world pass me by

All these voices trying to get through to me
They just don’t see
They don’t see I’m dying

They find me on the floor
Broken hearted and a slashed pulse
Lying there in my blood
Mumbling your name
Calling my heart for help
Asking my soul why aren’t you there

And I see the shadows that ask me

Where are you
Are you on your way
Are you going to come

I have to answer
I lost that fight
I lost that war
You gone
Not coming to see...

I write your name in the pool of blood
With a message
It doesn’t matter you were here in me all this time...

Jam Lavita 19 August 2009

NAWW awsome poem =]

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