Leafless Future... Poem by Aleksandra Szymanska

Leafless Future...

Rating: 1.5

What do I see when I look at trees?
Can I still read the shape of their arms?
Do I remember when I played by their feet?
The air they breathe tastes like sweetest calms...

What did I learn when I hugged them strong,
played ‘hide and seek' with dearest friends?
Listening to their roam I know where I belong,
although the road is narrow and always bends...

What if my road runs around a tree,
as if it was a mountain, steep and high?
Which branch will break, where it's safe to seat
and watch the whole world as it passes by?

Who was I? Who am I? What have I become?
Soon all trees will wither, then I will die...
A tree crown looks like something that's gone -
my brain synapses, the light in my eyes...

Tuesday, January 17, 2012
Topic(s) of this poem: autobiography
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