Legacy Poem by david Winpenny


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When I was a kid I wished I was old
our house was always in the dark or really cold
But thanks mum you put us to a really posh school
Where we could see how life really should be
that was smart! really was a treat!
Even though my bro tried to hang himself on activities week!
I’d spend my lunches on my Nana’s step
knew she was out but there I could hide
to ashamed to stay at school all alone
so I just sat there and wept and wept
hoping my nana would not see me this upset

See school was meant to be for learning
Instead for me it was a lesson in yearning
I only wanted to be accepted and liked
I did try and fit in but never worked out quite right.
My teachers never helped matters one made it worse
” david that cheque that your mum sent was rejected! ? ”
Gee thanks mrs B life is hard enough without being subjected

Maybe this was the path for me to make me strong and wise
Maybe those tears I shed were to help really open my eyes
Feeling sorry for myself was a time for reflection
There is much worse out there who really need some affection
I have my limbs can walk and talk that’s more important
So lets just stop!

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