Let My Pressence Reign Every Special Days Poem by Cybel Bergula

Let My Pressence Reign Every Special Days

On a special day,
I wish to stay,
In a scented fragrance of May;
Blooms to sway,
All in wonderful way.

Beneath a rainbow of bay,
Precious memories pay,
A melodious longing lay,
Molded a gracious heart as a clay,
Soften until all tears dismay.

As I always pray,
That this special day,
Hope to play,
With all jests and laughters today,
Cling to build a jewel of an aspire valley.

Looking far away,
Remembering all happiness beneath an assay,
Gage to evoke a loneliness fray,
As a moment avert and convey,
A distance defy to affray.

Lots of thanks for all chaise everyday,
Coz an essence of special day,
Makes me defy to coup a ray,
And journey through a moment that interplay,
Benign along the light...I walked as a prey.

As flames wall up tenderness of galley,
With all politeness I obey,
Dowse a sweetness for a love to spray,
As you've moltivate me and quay,
Mundane a heart to say...

That special day,
Flows on a railway,
With all heart, it whisper a tray
Of my pressence that evince to array;
With grave of warmth and care that slay.

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