Liar Poem by Abigail Kayleen


You led me here:
Where the darkness drapes
Around us both.
I followed you
I trusted you.
You said you cared.


You led me into the dusty corner, the edge of the world.
You knew the cliff would crumble underneath our weight. My weight.
You knew.

You turned around
And waited for me to fall.
You didn't push me.
You wouldn't dare.
But you didn't cry.
You didn't blink
When the cliff crumbled.

And now
When you find me alive
You ask:
'Why? '
But in reply
I can only repeat
Your question.

I don't care
That you lied.
I didn't not forget
But I forgave.
It didn't matter.
It didn't matter
That you didn't push me
When we came so close to death.

You didn't fall.

I couldn't feel your embrace
Your arms didn't hold me.
You didn't whisper
'We won't die.'
You didn't even say
'It'll be quick.'

You changed me.
You became me.
I became you.
We became each other
Until you ripped us apart.

Perhaps I am better.
Perhaps it is because I loved you
That I can't stand
To leave you there

Now you choke on the words
'I'm sorry.'
I don't know why
Tears sting my face
When you stop breathing
And your body grows cold.
You weren't sorry.
You didn't care.
You lied.

There is no joy in this revenge.
There is no regret
When I build the fire
That will swallow you.
I don't feel sorry
For I know
You deserve it.

But I just can't
Allow myself
To fall into another trap.
The cliff will only crumble once.
I can't cry anymore
For the world is free
From whatever wounds you have inflicted.
I have done a good thing.

I learn to live
My own life.
People chase me
'Murderer! '

You didn't lie to them.

But I keep my promise
To myself.
I do not cry.
I do not run.
I do not listen.
You didn't care.
So neither can I.

They stop.
They tumble, one by one, off of the cliff
Where the shadows cloak.

I can't help but wonder
Is this your way
Of saying sorry?
By killing those
Who are hurting me?

It doesn't work.
I can't wait any longer.
I said I would learn to live
My own life.
I can't.
You took that from me
Along with all else.

I fall.

And then it's all you,
Catching me,
Comforting me.
I choke on the words
''I missed you. ''
But it doesn't matter
That you don't hear
Because we both know:
I'm a liar.

Adeline Foster 14 March 2012

Telling it like it is? Well done. Read mine for a different view - Lier - Adeline

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Abigail Kayleen

Abigail Kayleen

Chicago, Illinois
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