Life Friends Love Pain Struggles Poem by kaylin hankins

Life Friends Love Pain Struggles

Life is full of many adventures.
From pain to love to struggles,
everyone experiences these things but in different ways.
LIFE: 'Live as if your were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever'.
Many people dont see what life is really about. Its not about making someone in love with you or finding somone to spend your life with. theres's not a Large chance You will almost always end up where you started.
Life is all about learning and teaching and making a difference in anyway that you possibly can.
FRIENDS: 'A hedge between keeps friendship green'.Friends are always good to have but i have come to realize those ones that you know least and most distant from seem to dissapoint you less.
You will be surprised at who your real friends are.
STRUGGLES: Allowing the truth of who you are-your spiritual self-to rule your life means you stop the struggle and learn to move with the flow of your life.
As we grow and mature we go through several struggle's and have to over come many problems we face. From loss of a loved one to battling cancer, those things make you a respectable human being.
PAIN: There are no gains without pains. Nothing hurts more than pain. There is no comparison whether it is physical or emotional. You just have to deal with it and no one else can help you get rid of it but yourself. You have to find a way to overome it without just blocking it all out.
LOVE: We can only love what we know. Everyone has gone through love and lust. Love only comes from someone who will always be there no matter what. I have heard this a lot throughout my life but more people have dissapointed me rather that proved their promise.
There is nothing more stronger that loving someone and feeling the warmth of love.
Even though the pain and dissapointment you feel is greater than the love itself its still worth its try.
If life were measured by accomplishments, most of us would die in infancy. Overall life is beautiful and you only live once.. so love, pain, struggle, learn, teach and help. That is the best thing that you can do in your life and for everyone else. Experience. And in the end, it's not the years in your life that count. It's the life in your years.
-) PK(-

Azure Brewer 22 June 2010

wow i give that a ten that was deep i writepower of words read mine it's called (a child's pain) its my first im going to come out with more soon your good

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