Lifes Highway Code... Poem by Cosmic Dreamer

Lifes Highway Code...

Rating: 3.5

We are each on our own great journey,
Along the highway of life we travel.
There are many paths that we can choose,
And we watch as our choices unravel.

We all reach crossroads on our journey,
But which way should we proceed?
The choices we make and direction we take,
Should equal our hearts deepest need.

With no signs or markings no clues or pointers,
To help us choose our track.
Once travelling that road the choice is made,
There's no point in looking back.

But more junctions and sliproads lay ahead for us,
Our choices are never an ending.
If we take a wrong turn we can correct our mistake,
A new choice is always pending.

Sometimes our soul's touch and we travel together,
Down the highway of our life.
Along unmarked paths together we walk,
When united we can conquer any strife.

Each step we take a memory we make,
That teaches us countless things.
The further we go the wiser we grow,
As we learn what the future brings.

So journey with hope through an ever changing world,
Along this lifes great road.
When we spread peace and love this lesson we learn,
We should obey lifes highway code...

Spread the love... The peace will follow...

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