Lions Eyes Poem by Mmm Davis

Lions Eyes

Red lights flashed around, a bright light hovered on top, lights, lights. Flash, like a photographer who didn’t know when or how to stop. Everything whirled, flashed, lit, and hovered around me like pesky lights. Flickers of memories bit and buzzed about, this was a dream. This was a nightmare.

I opened my eyes, than quickly closed them. The lights again, they had come back. I gowned, l felt like a meteorite hit me. I tried to move, no worse, I thought, I felt like hell.
A sound, like a screeching coming from…A door? No. It sounded like an animal, in pain…Where was I? I snapped my eyes again, trying to prepare for the bright lights. It didn’t help. I felt like a torch light was right in my face, burning my eyes. Everything felt so bright, so clear. Right now I felt like tearing my eyes out. I had to get a hold of myself. Screw the lights, and the pain.
Trying to get up I found that I was being held by straps. Noticing a bed, like one that you would see in hospitals, I felt my heart beating fast. Where was I? ! My mind screamed, I screamed, and then heard footsteps running towards me.
Men with white suits, like scientist, surrounded me. Whispering to themselves about my condition, they sounded excited, as if I, an experiment, had gone beyond what they expected.
Feeling cornered and trapped, I growled.

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