Lock Up In Net Of Forgery Poem by ngawang tashi

Lock Up In Net Of Forgery

Looking mind in interest
very figure of pretentious
and pride of prig
she feel high sigh
on walking to noble
her sharp and steep
blade edge of fob
conspire for ignite blood
that vein gentle man
her pitiless overkill his
I found my heart
alarming to all heart

Still her insistent inflict
her impiety immoral implead
eye of minute mind
subsist in empty embitter
lacking trawl, the man
his mindless hoodwink hook
lock by forgery key
unlocked snare bleak beyond
is this the beauty?
behind beauty is changeless
you saw is forgery
where nothing is real
where none is able
this is the lesson
let learn lesson lest
son of his man
man blunder ail alienation
it is unbearable agony
once loss shall irreplaceable
never for convalescence too
she deprive your everything
until it come completion
she stick with you
the day of your
the moment of your
trend on empty hand
shallow your treasury far
shatter your heart convergence
your beauty shall fade
your fallacy shall answer
the sore soar high
at end of erosion
every world is outlandish

Beauty is just appearance
it is only condescend
those who think deceive
to the other’s hand
they concern appearance much
adorn beautiful ear ring
sweet word in lips
bangle to fine finger
bracelet to shine shoulder
her appearance is puny
her mind bind negativity
black heart in depth
wind of blind mind
forlorn from positivity wave
stretched the sweat smell
blow into bitter bitch
if want to delve
know the heart more
the one who loss
regret on why present
it is what lesson
if those who neglect
the lesson warn lessen
we give the lesson
If one give honor
to be your defender
this should be know
not lock yourself in
the dark gloomy outlet
it is not world
which your heart call

Don’t follow her beauty
do yellow letting her risky
don’t believe her words
do defensive from her swords
probe behind wall of beauty
prognosis hand ball of gravity
proceed for break predicament jar
procure door creak sentiment bar

we are living around the difficult environment of delusion by man to man. on base with this deception, i have just expose my feeling and experience for giving cautious message to all.
ngawang tashi

ngawang tashi

jampaling tibetan settlement camp
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