Lonely Heart Poem by Nigel Chinwadzimba

Lonely Heart

In the depths of my wounded heart, a lonely ache resides,
Where judgment's icy tendrils pierce, where solace often hides.
For the world, it weaves a tapestry, a portrait incomplete,
Unaware of the trials I face, the battles I discreetly meet.

They cast their eyes upon my path, yet fail to comprehend,
The struggles etched upon my soul, the wounds that never mend.
In whispered voices, they proclaim, opinions unexplored,
Unaware of the storms within, the battles I have roared.

Behind the veil of weary smiles, there lies a hidden pain,
A symphony of silent tears, like gentle autumn rain.
They see the surface, not the depths, the burdens that I bear,
Unwittingly they cast their stones, unaware, they tear and tear.

But in this chamber of my heart, a flame begins to burn,
A flicker of resilience, a lesson I must learn.
For though the world may cast its gaze, its judgments, cold and stark,
I find my strength, my solace, in the depths within my heart.

For only I can truly know the journey that I tread,
The battles fought, the lessons learned, the tears that I have shed.
So let them judge, let them assume, their words may sting and smart,
But I will rise above it all, for I know my own true art.

In the solitude of self-discovery, I find my refuge true,
Embracing scars and wounds as badges of what I've been through.
For in the darkest corners, where loneliness does reside,
I unearth the strength to carry on, with resilience as my guide.

So judge me, world, as you may, your ignorance I defy,
For in this heart that beats so strong, my truth will never die.
I am the author of my tale, the keeper of my truth,
And in the depths of my wounded heart, I find eternal proof.

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